Page 30 - HSMP student project
P. 30
the air causing it to be more difficult to breathe. This wouldn’t be good for me nor the people in our community, so there needs to be a change.
Other effects that could affect your health when
the seasons come around are allergens, viruses, constant climate change, health conditions that are really serious such as asthma and respiratory illnesses as well. But out of all those affects the most common one that I have seen in my clinic is allergies. I think this is because when people's bodies are not used to the constant hot and cold weather there could be many little things that could just trigger a person. Allergens mostly start to occur in the spring/summer when the weather begins to get hot,
and the flowers start to blossom again, leading to pollen. This pollen makes it really difficult to breathe and may cause irritation. This just shows that not only
weather conditions and gene expression could be the reasons why we’re affected constantly. Viruses are also
very common as well. This is because when it becomes colder it may be harder for your body system to fight off these viruses. This is why we have so many viruses affecting people.
How to Prevent my Health From Being Affected by the Seasons?
You must always make sure to prevent yourself
from being affected by the seasonal changes. Get checked out by a health official to see if you could be affected by any of these occurrences due to the seasonal
changes and we will try to find a solution. If you are ever feeling like you are coming up with a cold try to build up your immune system at home by drinking plenty
of fluids such as teas and drinks that are high in vitamins. Or try to eat things that have lots of fibers and nutritions so that you are feeling okay. If you have allergies,
Wellness 101 - Spring 2020