Page 31 - HSMP student project
P. 31

  asthma, or another type of health condition that could be affected by the seasonal changes so make sure that you come into the clinic. Let your health official know what you may be experiencing and how it is making you feel. With the help of your health official, you will get through it. Taking the right measures and precautions could always be the best solution.
Could the Seasonal Change Affect Me at Any Age?
S​easonal change could affect a person at any
age from being a toddler to being elderly. Once your genes and any health condition have developed you could easily be affected. Some may say “but even a
toddler?” Yes! a toddler’s health is even more vulnerable than others. You have to remember, their bodies are still trying to adjust to the different
weather changes occurring. Without the proper
essentials in order to prevent yourself from being affected, you could be affected at any age. We must do all that is necessary to protect ourselves. Meaning if it’s cold wear hats, scarfs, and thick jackets. When it gets hot and allergies start to kick in, have something on hand to feel relief. This is the proper way we could get through these changes at any age.
A​lways remember that your health comes first.
Meaning if you have to be extra careful and go to 100 checkups, do so because those 100 checkups could help keep your health intact. Listen to your health officials when it comes to taking medication and things that could help you. I encourage you to not take catching a cold or allergies lightly when the seasons come around. This is because the things you may take lightly could worsen over time, making everything more complicated. All I could ever hope for is for my patients and community to be safe and healthy throughout the years.
Wellness 101 - Spring 2020

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