Page 87 - My FlipBook 1
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hair carefully mussed. He let out a little laugh and   tograph on the cover of The Genius of Ray Charles.   “No,” Lewis said. “It’s gonna be brighter. [Singing
        said, pretending to be modest, “Oh, would I?”  “I said to myself, This is a good place to be in my   to Springsteen] ‘It’s true, we make a brighter day.’ ”
                                            life right at this moment,” Oates says.  Wonder seemed to be the lone holdout. “Better
        10:30 p.m.                            Jones pointed to more strips of tape on the floor   has more bite,” he said.
        RAY CHARLES WAS IN THE FRONT ROW.   with names written on them in blue. He told every-  Jackson had an idea for another change. He
          He had ridden the wave through the door from   one these were for the solos, which would be   proposed adding some African-sounding lyrics
        the anteroom into the studio, holding a Styrofoam   recorded later, after they laid down the chorus.   to the chorus:
        coffee cup, suit jacket hanging from his shoulders,   This was a little awkward. Anyone who didn’t   We are the world . . . Sha-lum!
        a guide at his elbow. Shuffling in like everyone else.   see their name now understood that he or she had   We are the children . . . Sha-lingay!
        But in a room full of stars, including a half dozen   not been given a solo. One piece of tape said, daryl   Jackson stood before his peers and sang it him-
        legends, Charles was of a higher order.  hall, with stefe perry and michael jacksln on   self, a cappella. Jones kind of nodded. The ensem-
          Many of the participants didn’t know ahead of   either side. The name of John Oates, Hall’s other   ble tried it, with and without the instrumental track.
        time that he would be there. They didn’t know who   half, was not written on a piece of tape on the floor.  Then Wonder presented the idea of singing a few
        would be there—but they certainly didn’t know   “I can’t say I wasn’t a little disappointed,” Oates   lines in Swahili. A few people later said they could
        Brother Ray would be there.         says. “I was obviously not worthy. But at the same   feel the energy getting sucked out of the room.
          Lionel Richie: “When Ray came in and opened   time it was cool. When Daryl and I perform together,   Finally, Ray Charles, still holding a Styrofoam
        his mouth, we just kinda all fell over in the corner   Daryl’s the lead singer—he’s the guy. And he’s got   coffee cup, his headphones around his neck, jerked
        and said, ‘Wow, did you hear that? That’s Ray   an amazing voice, and of course he deserved it.   his head up and said to his old friend, loud enough
        Charles.’ It was just brilliant.”   Quincy and Lionel and Michael knew exactly what   for all to hear, “Ring the bell, Quincy. Ring the bell!”
          And then there was Oates—little John Oates from   they were doing. You’re dealing with those three   The genius had spoken. The sha-lum and Swa-
        North Wales, Pennsylvania, in the middle of this pack   guys, you’re dealing with guys who really know how   hili ideas were put to rest. (The episode was chron-
        of pop stars and rock legends, standing on the piece   to make a record.”  icled in great detail by journalist David Breskin for
        of tape on the risers that had his name on it. He could   Jones just kept talking, laying out the plan for the   his excellent booklet We Are the World, published
        have reached out with his left hand—right across Bob   night. After the chorus, the risers would be disman-  as a fundraiser soon after.)
        Dylan’s head—and touched Ray Charles on his right   tled and they’d do the solos. He turned and raised   They took breaks, but the recording dragged on.
        shoulder, the one closest to the camera in the pho-  his hand to the control booth.   “There was a table piled up with cold cuts—sand-
                                              “Can I hear it, Hum?”             wiches and stuff. Bruce and I kept wandering over
                                              Humberto Gatica, the engineer, played the demo   to the deli table, hitting on a beer or a sandwich,”
                                            that Jackson, Richie, and Wonder had recorded—just   Joel says. “It wasn’t like church, you know?”
                                            those guys singing the chorus, plus every solo part.   But it must be said: When the group sang together,
                                            Some of the artists hadn’t listened to the tape Stern-  hitting every note of the chorus Jackson and Richie
                                            berg had sent, so they were hearing the tune for the   had written, full volume, it felt like a new sound,
                                            first time. And a few of them weren’t that into it.   something human ears had never experienced.
                                              Maybe more than a few.              Henry Diltz was standing next to Jones, seeing it
                                              “I don’t think anybody liked it,” Joel says. “There   through his camera but hearing it with his whole
                                            was a lot of, like, side-eye. There was a lot of look-  body. “The heavenly choir,” he calls it.
                                            ing at the other person, and I remember Cyndi Lau-
                                            per saying, ‘It sounds like a Pepsi commercial.’ There   2:00 a.m.
                                            was a couple of chuckles and a few grunts. That was   PRINCE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THERE.
                                            pretty much the consensus, I think. But nobody   He was invited, and although he never quite con-
                                            was gonna say, ‘I’m not doing that.’ ”  firmed, he did perform at the American Music
                                                                                Awards, and it was Jones’s understanding that he
                                            11:45 p.m.                          was coming to the session. The great producer chose
                                            THE LYRICS, AS WRITTEN, READ, “WE ARE THE   a solo line for Prince, right after Jackson’s line—a
                                            ones that make a better day, so let’s start giving . . .”  clever juxtaposition of two artists who were reputed
                                              But a lot of people seemed to be saying brighter   to detest each other.
                                            instead of better.                    “There was a spot being held for him,” says
                                              Someone asked, “Is it brighter or better?”  Sternberg, master of the attendance list. “Sheila E.
                                              “Whichever one feels good,” Richie said. “Better   was trying to get him there.”
                                            or brighter? Brighter’s the one everybody’s leaning   But Prince didn’t show. The next day, it was
                                            to, right?”                         reported that he’d been hanging out at a restau-
                                              Everyone looked at their sheet music. Paul Simon,   rant, Carlos ’N Charlie’s, and that two of his body-
                                            wearing a blazer over a checkered shirt buttoned   guards had been arrested after getting in a fight with
                                            to the neck, conferred with Tina Turner and Billy   some photographers.
                                            Joel. “Seems like they’re making a change,” he said.   “I think I got Prince’s line,” Huey Lewis says.
                                              “I think it should be brighter, all the way,” Joel said.   After the chorus, Jones called Lewis over to where
                                              “Me too. It felt like everyone was singing brighter.”  Jackson was standing and said, “Smelly, sing him
                                              Springsteen was looking at his music. “This    the line.” And Jackson sang: “But if we just believe,
                                            is brighter?”                       there’s no way we can faaalll.” Lewis sang it back
                                              Huey Lewis leaned over his shoulder. “No—bet-  perfectly, Jackson laughed—a tiny, Jacksonian
                                            ter, yeah, that’s gonna be brighter now.”  laugh—and Lewis smiled, raised his eyebrows, and
                                              Springsteen: “Do I ever sing this?”  said, “Can I go now?”  (continued on page 92)

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