Page 2 - Resources and Support for the Online Educator
P. 2

Dear Reader,

        We on the ISTE Books Team would like to express         • Part 2, Creativity, focuses on content designed to
        our appreciation of both you and the work you do          keep students creatively engaged, with projects
        helping students learn, and to offer our support          and ideas that can be applied outside of a physi-
        during this difficult time.                               cal classroom.
        We feel that our authors are uniquely equipped to       • Part 3, Well-being and Mindfulness, offers mate-
        support other educators due to their deep expertise       rial on self-reflection and gratitude, to help edu-
        in areas like online learning, media and digital litera-  cators deepen their teaching practice and remain
        cy, myriad tech tools, and so much more. So, to help      healthy in the process.
        you continue to do the great work you do, we have       Many of the selections are full chapters, with a few
        assembled a collection of excerpts from some of         shorter selections from chapters as well. (At the
        our books that contain strategies, tips, and insights   end of this ebook, you’ll find links to the complete
        to help you navigate a landscape of online learning.    books for further reading.) We hope this resource

        The activities and tools were selected because they     can serve as a practical guide to help keep you
        were designed for an online or home situation, or       and your students healthy, engaged, and informed.
        can be easily adapted for such environments. We         We welcome your feedback and requests for materi-
        are also including material to support you in terms     al that we can offer; if you have suggestions of what
        of well-being and self-discovery, through a lens of     type of content you would like to see in this kind of
        technology use.                                         resource, or in future books, please don’t hesitate to
        We’ve organized the material into three parts:          reach out to us at As always, we

        • Part 1, Online Learning and Accessibility, pro-       are here for you as we continue to produce content
          vides guidance for making lessons accessible,         to help educators and students learn.
          using tech tools to teach online, exploring issues    With gratitude,
          such as equity, digital literacy, and more.           The ISTE Books Team

        Author Statement

        We as fellow educators hope this resource can provide some support and guidance during this period of uncer-
        tainty. We stand by you and wish you the best in continuing to do the great work you do for your community.
        Sara Armstrong                      Kevin J. Graziano                   Tim Needles

        Arlene C. Borthwick                 Michele Haiken                      Fanny Passeport
        Susan Brooks-Young                  Boni Hamilton                       Luis Perez

        Jaime Donally                       Carl Hooker                         Rachelle Dene Poth
        Michele Eaton                       Nicol R. Howard                     Regina Schaffer

        Teresa S. Foulger                   Caitlin McLemore                    Josh Stock
        Kendra Grant                        Michael McVey                       Sarah Thomas
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