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                     TYPICAL UNITS           FLOOR                WALL               CEILING             OTHERS
                                                             Painted plaster
                                        60x60 cm Ceramic                         Painted plaster     Telephone and
                     Living & Dining           Tiles        with paintedwood       under-slab      cable tv provisions
                                                                                                   Granite countertop
                                                                                                   with backsplash on
                                                             Painted plaster    Painted moisture
                                        60x60 cm Ceramic                                              modular base
                         Kitchen                            with paintedwood   resistant gypsum
                                               Tiles            baseboard             board          kitchen cabinets
                                                                                                    with sink, faucet
                                                                                                     and grease trap
                                                             Painted plaster
                                                            walls and painted
                                        60x60 cm Ceramic      gypsum board       Painted plaster
                         Bedroom               Tiles          partitions with      under-slab
                                                              painted wood
                                                            30x30 cm Ceramic                        Half-pedestal type
                                        30x30 cm Ceramic      Toilet Area: 1    Painted moisture-    lavatory, water
                       Toilet & Bath           Tiles              Layer         resistant gypsum   closet and shower
                                                              Shower Area:            board         set with provision
                                                                                                     for water heater
                                        30x30 cm Ceramic                         Painted plaster     Metal railing in
                         Balcony               Tiles         Painted plaster       under-slab       epoxy paint finish
  Derrick Montero 0915-6046617                                                      FOR REFERENCE ONLY.NOTFOR SALE USE &DISTRIBUTION. DETAILSARE SUBJECT TOCHANGE WITHOUTPRIOR NOTICE
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