Page 40 - Journey of Grace - Spring-Summer 2021 Curriculum
P. 40

                 Sanctification:   The group will   Build a         Demonstrate  Each individual      Accept
                 proper conduct   discuss the chart  library of     their belief in  will receive a   solution to
                 of living        regarding The     books that      sanctification  notebook to       increase their
                                  Doctrine of       will support    by offering    journal the        chances of
                                  Salvation & A     their belief in  examples of   behavior for one   living a holy
                                  Model of the      sanctification  living a holy  week               life
                                  Cross-Centered                    life
                 Activities:  Each participant will read one of the scriptures on the A Comparison of Justification and
                 Sanctification chart
                 Details: Each participant will explain their assigned scripture and how it relates to their life
                 Outcome:         Understand with  Able to teach  Will value       Will document      Able to search
                                  sanctification    others          hearing        habits that will   the Bible for
                                  means             regarding       others give    assist them in     themselves to
                                                    sanctification  their opinion  being holy         find scriptures
                                                                    on the                            during
                                                                    world's view                      difficult times
                                                                    of living
                 KNOWLEDGE        UNDERSTAND        APPLY           ANALYZE        SYNTHESIZE         JUDGEMENT
                 Perseverance:    The group will    The group       The group      Each participant   Each
                 God keeps you    discuss their     will            will analyze   will share a 2-    participant
                                  understanding of  brainstorm      different      miniature story    will have
                                  perseverance      problem-        scenarios to   of how they        about 5
                                                    solving         a group in     persevered in a    minutes to
                                                    solutions       the order of   situation/problem  meditate on
                                                                    importance                        how to
                                                                                                      improve in
                                                                                                      this area
                 Discuss of 1 Corinthians 6:11

                 Details:  Each individual will give their interpretation of 1 Corinthians 6:11
                 Outcome:         Will be able to   Participants    Will be able   Will be able to    Participant
                                  persevere during  will identify   to encourage  list at least five   practice
                                  challenging       a mentor        others to      negative           staying
                                  times by praying  within two      persevere      behaviors that     focused on
                                  and fasting       weeks after     due to their   will hinder their   their positive
                                                    the series has  success in     perseverance       outcome
                                                    ended           learning                          instead of the
                                                                    tools to be                       negative
                                                                    successful                        situation

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