Page 26 - MOY Journal_2020
P. 26

Missionary of the Year


                           SISTER CORA SUGGS

                     Sis.  Cora Suggs,  President, Senior Usher  Board, Bro.  Melvin  Cummings,  President,
                     Usher Bd No.2, Sis. Reign Bowen, Junior Usher, Bro. James Webb Usher Bd. No. 2, Bro.
                     Marquis Cox, Intermediate Usher, Sis. Dorothy Wright, Usher Bd No. 2, Secretary, Sis.
                     Marilyn Hill, Senior Usher, Supervisor Junior & Intermediates.
                     [Missing:  Intermediate Ushers, Bros. Van Blake, Robert Charles,  Shaheem Hanley,
                     Da’Quan Turner]

                                       JOINT USHER BOARD

                                                       We Love You!
                                                       We Salute You!
                                                       God Bless You!

                           NAOMI A.M.E. ZION CHURCH

                                                2502 Neptune Avenue

                                                Brooklyn, N.Y.  11224
                                     REV. DR. CLASSTINE D. PENDARVIS, PASTOR

                                NYC District WHOMS  Saturday, May 29, 2021
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