Page 4 - January
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Meeting Minutes- November 19, 2024
Meeting was called to order by Vice-President Norm Nichols at 7:33 p.m.
Treasurer’s Report: Reported by Diane Rugg. Motion was made to accept the report by
Keith Ponath, seconded by Tim Spitzer.
Sunshine: Dale Peck- Dan Schaefer is in the hospital since surgery on his cervical verte-
brae and is now awaiting discharge for rehabilitation. Congratulations to Joe &
Mary Bunzel on the birth of their second grandchild. Jim Rugg received an e-mail
from Greg Williams, who is in Florida and shared the news that Jackie broke bones
in her foot and they lost their house in the hurricane.
Membership: Mary Bunzel-We are at 60 members.
Historian: Rick Nowak- The Ruggs have been hosting the Christmas party since 1995.
History is included in the newsletter.
Welcome to new member Ed Landsittel, owner of a 2005 red Thunderbird.
Past Events:
October 13-Fall Color Tour-report from Rick Nowak-The Horicon March boat
tour was canceled. Rain held off during the color tour and the colors were
great. Thank you to Joanne and Ed Schmidt for their scouting and planning
of the event. The Mineshaft accommodated us very well.
October 24- Luncheon at Machine Shed Restaurant
Upcoming Events:
November 24- Packer party and pizza at Zierden Company- If you wish to bring
chili let Peter Zierden know.
December 15- Christmas party at Jim & Diane Rugg’s home
January 9 - Luncheon at Maxim’s Restaurant
January 19 - We will have video viewing about the Ford Wixsom plant at 3:00
pm, courtesy of Joe and Mary Bunzel, at Peter Zierden’s business.
CTCW Will Be Serving Sub Sandwiches at intermis-
sion. Please bring an appetizer or dessert.
The Classic Thunderbird Club of Wisconsin will have its 60 Anniversary in 2026.
Motion to adjourn was made by Keith Ponath, seconded by Peter Zierden.
Meeting adjourned at 8:14 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen Nowak
Birds Of A Feather Page 4