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                                               THE CLASSIC T-BIRD CLUB OF WISCONSIN
                                                        JUNE 2024

                                                 Club Web Site:

                                                   Email Club News to Jim Rugg at

                                     Hi everyone!
                                            It’s  only  early  June  and  I’m  already  tired  of  gutting  grass!
                                     We had about 3/4 of an inch of rain again last night, so it looked
                                     like the mowing cycle will continue.

                                                At our May meeting we took orders for 23 of our new jackets.
                                     They are at the embroidery shop now and should be ready at the
                                     June meeting.  If you are still interested in buying a jacket, we will
                                     take orders at our next meeting or contact me, and I will add you
                                     to the list.  See Page #14 for more details.

                            Time is running out (July 12) to make reservations to attend the VTCI  International

         Convention in Grand Rapids, Michigan between Aug 7-11. Make your reservations soon.

                If you haven’t signed up for the Tractor Pull in Cedarburg on June 15th, please call
         ASAP!  If you plan on attending, be sure to bring some ear protection along, these
         monsters are extremely loud!

                       Thanks to Jim and Diane Rugg for hosting our annual Bird Bath and to Ron and
         Joanne Czubek for arranging dinner after the Venus Ford Show on Thunderbird
         Appreciation Day.

               Mark your calendar for August 4th for our Club Picnic at Peter Zierden’s Backyard
         Railroad.  Check the 2024 Events at a Glance in
         this newsletter and mark your calendar for
         upcoming events.

         Hope to see you at our next meeting on June 18th
         at the Poplar Creek Church!

         Stay safe and enjoy those T-Birds,

         Dan Schaefer, CTCW President

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