Page 8 - June
P. 8


             6/6    Mary Bunzel            6/14  Keith Ponath                         7/3   Joe Herling
             6/6    Jackie Williams        6/14  Ester Newman                         7/3   Jim Siering
             6/6    John Stolle            6/20  Denise Malmquist                     7/5   Noralee Dreske
            6/10    Gary Lavota            6/25  Sean Forciea                      7/10     Shirley Jacques
            6/12    Dan Schaefer           6/26  Lynette Chovanec                  7/14     Arley Harriman
                                                                                   7/17     Susan Duffy

                                                  Submitted By Dale

                  Trionne Herling’s recovery from her Shoulder  Replacement.  The doctors have
           given her a machine to exercise the Shoulder Joint and she is doing regular therapy.
           They are hoping to make it to the picnic in early August.

                 As many of you know, Peter Zierden was born with a blood vein out of place in his
           heart.  On May 28th, Peter had heart surgery at St Luke’s to correct this problem.  All
           went well and Pete is back to normal!!!!

                     Submitted By Dale                           Submitted By Diane Rugg,  CTCW Treasurer

                We are all getting older by the day
                                                                            MAY 2024
           and some of us are still collecting.  I
           won’t mention names but I was told                   April  Balance………….$3,625.99
           by the better half that I’m one who                  May Receipts…………..$1,480.00
           no longer is collecting.  Want to buy
           anything let me know.  I’m just not                  May Disbursements..…....$219.00
           giving my name.                                      May Balance….…..........$4,886.99

                                                                                      Birds Of A Feather Page  8
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