Page 11 - modul kelas 8 bahasa inggris presentasi
P. 11

Characteristics of notice, caution and warning

                       •  Short text (simple words. phrases, or clauses)
                       •  Easy to understand

                       •  Written in capital font

                       •  Mostly use images/pictures


             Notice                           Purpose/ Tujuan           Means/ Maksud      Place/ Tempat

                                              To     inform    giving  -After reading the  We      probably
                                              direction for the readers  notice  we  should   find the notice in
                                                                                           the road
                                              that the area can be used  follow       the
                                                                                           (Kita  biasanya
                                              for rest.                 directions and rest  menemukan

                                              (Untuk                    in the right place.   notice tersebut di
                                              menginformasikan  dan
                                              menunjukkan  pembaca

                                              bahwa area tersebut bisa
                                              digunakan         untuk


                                              To  inform  readers  that  After  reading  the  We   probably
                                              they  are  not  allowed  notice         we  find the notice in

                                              eating  or  drinking  in  shouldn’t  eating  the      library,
                                              that place/room.          and  drinking  in  laboratory,

                                              (Untuk  memberi  tahu  the area or place.    classroom, etc.

                                              pembaca bahwa mereka  (Setelah membaca  (Kita  mungkin
                                              tidak     diperbolehkan  notice     tersebut  menemukan

                                              makan  atau  minum  di  kita     seharusnya  notice tersebut di
                                              tempat/         ruangan  tidak  makan  dan  perpustakaan,

                                              tersebut)                 minum  di  tempat  laboratorium,
                                                                        tersebut)          ruang kelas, dll)
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