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V. OUR                                            MEUBLATEX-EL MOURADI, has always                 Canada, the United States, Africa, and nearby

                                                                                                                Arab countries. With experience in evolving
                                                               considered social action a fundamental principle
             STRENGTHS                                         of any economic evolution. The best workers      furniture market trends and international quality
                                                                                                                standards, the group has successfully introduced
                                                               are regularly rewarded, and employees are
                                                                                                                its products with guaranteed success in each
                                                               periodically consulted to improve working
             PERFORMANCE:                                      conditions. MEUBLATEX, with its modular          market. Each market demand involves our
             The industrial and commercial group, a            furniture business units, has obtained ISO 9001   designers in studying and creating each model
             pioneer in the furniture and furnishing sector,   certification from the AFAQ organization. This   with the best qualities of raw materials, beautiful
             is equipped with significant capabilities. Since   achievement is not the endpoint for MEUBLATEX   wood essences, and high-quality fabrics.
             1972, MEUBLATEX has worked to gain the trust      but the beginning of sustained development to
             of its customers through well-organized and       earn the trust of all its customers and partners.
             reliable operations, quality and performance in   ENVIRONMENT:
             accordance with international standards, product   In parallel with a technology-focused
             preservation at every stage of manufacturing,     development approach, the group has been
             delivery, and assembly, as well as dedicated      making investments for several years to limit
             attention to after-sales service. The group       the impact of industrial and tourist activities on
             prioritizes job security and employee well-being,   the environment. In 1992, the group installed
             providing continuous professional training for its   equipment for treating chrome plating
             personnel in all specialties based on international   wastewater to recover heavy metals and mitigate
             experiences and industry changes. MEUBLATEX       their impact on the environment. In 1994 and
             conducts marketing studies to align with the      1996, the installation of a dust extraction system
             development of the national and international     from wood sanding waste led to a broader waste
             markets, and it consistently innovates its        incineration project, earning the Presidential
             industrial and logistical equipment in line with   Prize.
             technological progress.
             SOCIAL:                                           The relevant industrial and commercial strategy
             In addition to these techniques, MEUBLATEX        adopted by the MEUBLATEX group has made
             draws its strength from its stable, ambitious,    it the leading industrialist and distributor in the
             high-performing, and specialized production       local market and the top Tunisian exporter of
             staff. The industrial and hospitality group,      furniture to international markets such as Europe,
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