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PHARMA DARPAN I Volume -1 I Issue -6 I June-2021

                                                                                                  From Editorial Desk

                                                                                             Greetings from Editorial Team !

                                                                                                           Dear Reader,
                                                                It is an absolute pleasure to welcome you to E -Magazine
                                                                “PHARMADARPAN”, published by APTI Mumbai Region. We
                                                                are really proud and exuberant to acclaim that we are ready
          Mr. Pritam Juvatkar           Mr. Abhijeet Puri       with all new hopes and hues to bring out the 6th Edition of
         Konkan Gyanpeeth Rahul         St. John Institute of   Pharma Darpan, which will unfold the knowledgeable and
            Dharkar College of        Pharmacy and Research ,   unforgettable precious moments of every institute. Mid-way
          Pharmacy and Research              Palghar            through editing and designing a pile of articles, events which
              Institute Karjat                                  was shared by each institute with the thoughts of the zillion
                                                                things that ‘JUST HAD TO BE DONE’; Putting this issue
                                                                together was no cake walk, the editorial team members have
                                                                spent nights to make this magazine stand out.

                                                                We ensure that this magazine has successfully accomplished
                                                                its objective, with the reflection of the events, creativity and
                                                                achievements of each institute who expressed their thoughts,
                                                                ideas, hopes, feelings, aspirations and convictions in creative
         Mr. Yogesh Chaudhari            Mr. Sujit Nagare       way. In fact, this is how they broaden their horizons. Thus,
           Dr. L. H. Hiranandani      Indira Institute of Pharmacy,   Pharma Darpan reflects how the college has been able to live
           College of Pharmacy,           Sadavali, Devruk      up to its aim, providing quality education to students. As you
           Ulhasnagar, Mumbai                                   scan through the pages, it will enlighten important milestones
                                                                that has achieved by the faculties in each and every institute.
                                                                The key to success of PHARMA DARPAN is the working
                                                                relationship between editorial member and every APTI
                                                                coordinator. This is team work between all the faculties. I am
                                                                sure we all will work together for this magazine to complete its
                                                                successive 1000+ editions with same energy and same speed.
                                                                In future also we expect same enthusiastic response from each
                                                                one of you.
        Dr. Priyanka Goswami           Ms. Suchita Gokhale
        H K College of Pharmacy,      Ideal College Of Pharmacy,
          Jogeshwari, Mumbai            and Research, Kalyan,

             Mr. Vinod Mule            Mr. Amey Deshpande
           Yashwantrao Bhonsale           Oriental College of
           College of Pharmacy,        Pharmacy, Sanpada, Navi
               Sawantwadi                     Mumbai

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