Page 20 - Harold_Coleman_Sellers_Guide
P. 20

The Appraisal Process

            When a Purchaser is securing a new loan in        Appraisers provide a typed report to the Purchaser’s
            order to buy a home, the new lender will require   lender within a few days. You are notified should
            an independent, licensed appraisal to determine   the lender require repairs prior to making a loan
            fair market value of the Seller’s property. The   on the home. If specified in the contract, repairs
            appraiser researches similar properties that have   must be made and the appraiser will return to
            sold in the past 180 days and are similar in size,   review required repairs and a reinspection fee
            age, construction as well as amenities.           would likely be charged.

            An appraiser sets an appointment to see the       Note: If the Purchaser applies for an FHA or VA
            property and takes about 30 minutes to an         loan, the property must meet certain requirements.
            hour of your time in viewing the property for     Chipped or peeling paint on any structure on your
            appraisal. He or she measures your home,          property must be scraped and repainted. Missing
            draws a representative floor plan, photographs    or damaged shingles, missing slats or blocks
            the residence inside and out and notes property   in your fence will have to be replaced as well.
            condition, specific improvements and amenities.   Additional repairs and/or improvements may
            Help the appraiser as well as yourself by         have to be made prior to close of escrow as well.
            providing a list of improvements/remodeling       Your Realtor can advise you on the most current
            projects completed since your purchase with an    FHA/VA requirements.
            approximate dollar amount for each. Remember
            that remodeling projects rarely bring a full return
            on investment, however the list will ensure the
            appraiser is aware of improvements made to the

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