Page 22 - Jeannine-Rick-DTA-Relocation-Guide-2017
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Arizona Seniors
The Phoenix area continues to attract a steady stream of retirees. And why wouldn’t it? The area is still relatively affordable,
there’s something here for everyone, and the sun shines seemingly every day! Even the financial crater left by the housing
market crash seems to be filling itself in as of late. Home prices are steadily rising and the inventory of foreclosures is
getting lower.
If you’re thinking about retiring to the “Valley of the Sun”, enjoy the following list of helpful phone numbers to make your
retirement that much more easier!
AARP ....................................... .888-687-2277 Meals on Wheels ........................ 480-784-5668
Adult Care Connection..................602-840-5461 National VA - VA Benefits ............. 800-827-1000
Alzheimer’s Association ................. 602-528-0545 National VA - VA Benefits ............. 877-222-8387
American Cancer Society ............. 602-224-0524 Phoenix City Senior Center ............ 602-262-7379
American Heart Association .......... 602-414-5353 Parkinson’s ADPA Info & Referral ..... 602-839 3542
Catholic Charities Senior Services .. 602-277-3131 Salvation Army Adult Day Care ...... 602-233-9272
City of Phoenix Senior Programs ..... 602-262-7379 Senior Citizens Law Project ........... 602-252-6710
Division for Aging Services ............ 602-542-4446 Senior Help Line ........ ..................602-264-4357
Eldercare Helpline ....................... 602-264-2255 Seniors Helping Seniors ................ 480-584-3639
Foster Grand Parent Program ......... 877-543-7633 Sun Tree Daycare Center .............. 602-441-4900
Hospitals of Sunrise Health ............ 480 246-3500 Social Security Administration ........ 602-379-4709
Jewish Family Service Agency ........ 623-234-9811 Thunderbird VA Healthcare ............ 602-633-6900
Adam Diaz Senior Center Helen Drake Senior Center Shadow Mountain Senior Center
4115 W. Thomas Road ............602-262-1609 7600 N 27th Ave.....................602-262-4949 3546 E. Sweetwater Ave. ..........602-534-2303
Chinese Senior Center Marcos de Niza Senior Center
734 W. Elm St. ........................602-262-6411 305 W. Pima St. ......................602-262-7249 South Mountain Senior Center
212 E. Alta Vista Rd. .................602-262-4093
Deer Valley Senior Center McDowell Place Senior Center
2001 W. Wahalla Lane ............602-495-3714 1845 E. McDowell Road. ..........602-262-1842 Sunnyslope Senior Center
Desert West Senior Center Paradise Valley Senior Center 802 E. Vogel Ave. ....................602-262-7572
6501 W. Virginia Ave. ..............602-495-3711 17402 N. 40th St. ...................602-495-3785
Devonshire Senior Center Pecos Senior Center Senior centers are open 8 a.m. to
2802 E. Devonshire Ave. ...........602-262-7807 17010 S. 48th St. ....................602-534-5366 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Goelet A.C. Beuf Senior Center Senior Opportunities West Senior Center
3435 W. Pinnacle Peak Road .....602-534-9743 1220 S. 7th Ave. .....................602-262-6610 For more information,
call 602-262-7379.
Foster Grandparents - 602-542-4446 • Senior Companion Program - 602-256-3353 (SCORE)
Svc. Corp. of Ret. Execs - 602-745-7250