Page 4 - Michael-Smith-DTA-Relocation-Guide-2017
P. 4


                                      ALL ARIZONA HAS TO OFFER!

       Geography                              Climate

       Located in the Salt River Valley in the south   Average Temperatures: January, 67° F; July,
       central part of the state, Phoenix is situated   106.0° F; annual average, 72.6° F
       on flat desert terrain, bordered by lakes
       and the Superstition Mountains to the east   Month             High     Low
       and surrounded by the Phoenix Mountain  January                    67          46
       Preserve.  The  climate  is  warm,  with  low  February                71          49
       humidity. The most remarkable weather  March                       77          53
       feature is sunshine approximately 325 days   April                      85          60
       per year, making Phoenix one of the sunniest   May                      95          69
       cities in the country! Official elevation of the   June                     104         78
       city is 1,058 feet above sea level.
                                              July                       106         83
       Square Mileage                         August                     104         83
                                              September                100         77
       Phoenix ..................................... 518
       Prescott ........................................ 42   October                  89          65
       Tucson ...................................... .228  November                76          53
       Arizona .............................. 113,998   December                66          45

      NATIONAL PARKS &            Pipe Spring Nat’l. Monument  Jerome State Historic Park  Oracle State Park
      MONUMENTS                   928-643-7105                928-634-5381                520-896-2425
      Canyon de Chelly National
      Monument                    Saguaro National Park       Riordan Mansion State       Red Rock State Park
      928-674-5500                520-733-5153                Historic Park               928-282-6907
      Casa Grande Ruins National   Tonto National                                         Kartchner Caverns State Park
      Monument                    Monument                    McFarland State Historic Park  520-586-2283
      520-723-3172                928-467-2241                520-868-5216
                                                                                          WATER BASED PARKS
      Chiricahua National         Tumacácori National         Tubac Presidio State        Dead Horse Ranch State Park
      Monument                    Historical Park             Historic Park               928-634-5283
      520-824-3560                520-398-2341                520-398-2252
                                                                                          Slide Rock State Park
      Grand Canyon National Park   Tuzigoot National Monument  DESERT PARKS               928-282-3034  Sedona, AZ
      928-638-7888                928-634-5564                Lost Dutchman State Park
                                                              480-982-4485                Buckskin Mountain State Park
      Marble Canyon National      Walnut Canyon National                                  928-667-3231  Parker, AZ
      Monument                    Monument                    Catalina State Park
      928-638-7888                928-526-3367                520-628-5798                Lake Havasu State Park
      Montezuma Castle National   Wupatki National Monument   Picacho Peak State Park
      Monument                    928-526-1157                520-466-3183                Roper Lake State Park
      928-567-3322                                                                        928-428-6760
                                  HISTORICAL PARKS            EDUCATIONAL PARKS
      Navajo National Monument    Fort Verde State Historic Park  Boyce Thompson Arboretum   Painted Rock State Park
      928-672-2700                520-567-3275                520-689-2811                406-542-5500

      Petrified Forest National Park  Yuma Territorial Prison SP  Homolovi State Park     Lyman Lake State Park
      928-524-6228                928-783-4771                928-289-4106                928-337-4441

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