Page 31 - DTA Prescott Buyer Guide
P. 31


                                DRIGGS TITLE AGENCY

                                 is Proud to Offer the Following Discounts!

                     First Responder’s Rate            Military Personnel Rate            Senior Citizen Rate

               (Fire Fighters & Police Officers)  A buyer or seller on active duty or   A senior citizen (55 years of age
               Includes  Fire  Fighters  &  Police         a Veteran in the Armed Forces is   and over) is entitled to a 25%
               Officers. A buyer and/or seller    entitled to a 30% discount on his/  discount on his/her normal portion
               who is currently working as a Fire   her (parties) normal portion of the   of the escrow fee for residential
               Fighter and or Police Officer is   escrow  fee  for residential  own-  owner-occupied property,
               entitled to a 25% discount on his/  er-occupied property.             provided that valid identification
               her (parties) normal portion of the                                   is presented.
               escrow fee for residential owner
               -occupied property.

                     Teacher Rate                      Investor Rate                Investor Rate (continued)

               A buyer or seller school district   a.  This  rate  is  available  to  a                c.  This  rate  cannot  be  applied
               in  which  the  property  is  located   person who in the ordinary course   to any portion of an escrow fee,
               is entitled to a 30% discount on   of their business invests in real   which is already less than the full
               his/her (parties) normal portion   estate so that it may produce a    fee, a minimum fee or a flat fee.
               of  the  escrow  fee  for  residential                     revenue, income or profit from its   d.  The  escrow  fee  to  an  investor
               owner-occupied property.           employment.
                                                                                     shall be 70% of the applicable
                                                  b. The rate is only applicable to   escrow fee.
                                                  those fees, which are being paid
                                                  for by the investor.

                              *The discounts rates in this section shall not be applied in addition to any other discounts rate,
                              so as to compound the discount, nor in addition to first sales out of new subdivision by a developer.
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