Page 20 - Sarah-Disney-DTA-Relocation-Guide-2017
P. 20


                                     MISC. INFORMATION

       AIR TRANSPORTATION                   Phoenix Goodyear Airport GYR                     Located just five miles west of downtown

                                            1658 South Litchfield Road                                                                Glendale, five miles east of Luke Air
       Phoenix owns and operates three airports. Phoenix   Goodyear, AZ 85338                                                                                                      Force Base, and 30 minutes northwest
       Sky Harbor International Airport is the “economic  623-932-4550           of downtown Phoenix, this 477-acre
       engine” of the entire state of Arizona, contributing   The City of Phoenix bought and began   modern airport features a beautifully
       more than $33 billion to Arizona’s economy each   operating  Phoenix  Goodyear  Airport  in   designed two-story, 18,000 square-
       year and employing more than 33,000 people.   July, 1968. Prior to that, the airport was   foot terminal, a Federal Aviation
       There are hundreds of nonstop and connecting  built and operated by the United States   Administration (FAA) controlled tower,
       flights  from  points  around  the  globe  each  day.  Navy.  The airport is classified as a general   and  complete  airport  services  for
                                                                                 general aviation and corporate jet traffic.
       Conveniently located airports provide easy access  aviation reliever airport for Sky Harbor.
       to the luxurious resorts, spas, golf courses, and   With one of the best general aviation  Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport
       sunshine for which Arizona is famous!  runways in the country, Phoenix Goodyear  6033 South Sossaman Road
                                            Airport is poised to continue providing  Mesa, Arizona 85212
       Phoenix Sky Harbor International     quality aeronautical services to our tenants.  480-988-7600

       Airport 3400 East Sky Harbor Boulevard                                                                                     Phoenix Goodyear Airport is 2.2 miles
       Phoenix, AZ 85034                                                             south of Interstate 10 on Litchfield Road.  The former “Williams Air Force Base”
       602-273-3300                                                              played a strategic role in America’s aviation

                                            Scottsdale Municipal Airport                   history. Gearing up for the combat pilot

       Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport   15000 North Airport Drive                                                                  demands of World War II, the Army Air
       has been owned and operated by the   Scottsdale, AZ 85260                                                       Corps broke ground in Southeast Mesa,
       City of Phoenix since 1935. Back in the   623-932-4550                    Arizona for its Advanced Flying School on
       1930’s, the airport had one runway. No                                    July 16, 1941. In January  of 1948, the
       one could have imagined the tremendous   Scottsdale Airport was founded in June   facility was re-designated as Williams Air
       growth that would come to the Phoenix   22, 1942, as Thunderbird Field II, a   Force Base. In 1993 the Base was closed
       area and as a result, to the airport.  basic training facility for World War   and  reopened  a  year  later  as  Williams
                                            II Army Air Corps pilots. The City of
       Phoenix-Deer Valley Municipal Airport                                                                                              Scottsdale acquired the airfield portion   Gateway Airport. Over a decade later
       702 West Deer Valley Road            of the academy’s property in 1966. The   the name was changed again to Phoenix-
       Phoenix, AZ 85027                                                                                                 first fixed base operator was selected   Mesa Gateway Airport. Today, Gateway
       623-869-0975                         in  April  of  1967,  and  the  first  business   hosts more than 40 companies, serves
       Deer Valley Municipal Airport was built in   jets landed at Scottsdale Airport in the   more than 35 cities with non-stop service
                                                                                 via Allegiant, and contributes $1.3
       1960 as a private airfield with a single   following August. In 2004,  there were   billion annually to the Arizona economy.
       runway. In 1971, the City of Phoenix   over 450 aircraft based at Scottsdale
       purchased the 482-acre site. In 1975,   Airport, from single-engine recreational
       a new terminal was constructed and the   planes to numerous corporate jets.
       FAA began directing air traffic. Later, the   Approximately  200,000  take  offs  and
       FAA replaced Deer Valley’s four hard-  landings occurred, making Scottsdale
       working radio operators with 26 air traffic   the second busiest single runway airport
       controllers. The airport also became home   in the country, and the busiest corporate
       to the Phoenix Police Department which   jet facility in the state. Scottsdale Airport
       utilizes a 12,000 sq. ft. hangar for their   plays a key role in linking the Scottsdale
       citywide helicopter operations. In 2007, the   economy to the Southeast and the nation.
       FAA completed construction of a state-of-the-  Glendale Municipal Airport
       art air traffic control tower on the north side   6801 North Glen Harbor Boulevard
       of the airport and the airport is in the process   Glendale, AZ 85307
       of rehabilitating most of the pavement on   623-930-2188
       the south and northwest areas, at a cost of
       over 17 million dollars. The City Council   Pilots, business entrepreneurs as well as
       adopted a revised Master Plan in 2007,   people who simply enjoy easy access
       which called for a balanced approach to   to  convenient  travel  arrangements,  have
       accommodate all customers of the airport,   discovered the Glendale Municipal
       including potential development of corporate   Airport advantage: superior location
       hangers on the southeast side of the airport.  and customer service with a smile.
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