Page 5 - S48 Buyer Guide AZ
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Top 10 Buyer’s Questions
When will I know the amount of package of all documents you have signed so that you
funds required to close escrow? may take it home for further review. Should you have any
Upon receipt of your loan documents and preparation of questions after reviewing your package, please do not
your escrow instructions, we will contact your real estate hesitate to contact your escrow officer.
agent and/or you to let you know the amount of funds
you will need to close escrow. What is a Statement of Information?
Statements of Information provide title companies with
Who will call me to schedule an the information they need to distinguish the buyers and
appointment? sellers of real property from others with similar names.
Normally, your real estate agent will call you. However, After identifying the true buyers and sellers, title companies
sometimes we will call you from the title company to make may disregard the judgments, liens or other matters on the
arrangements for your signing. public records under similar names.
Can I give you a personal check? When should I shop for homeowners / fire
According Arizona State Law, all funds must be in the form insurance?
of a cashier’s check or wired funds from your financial We suggest that you start shopping for homeowners /
institution. We will accept a personal check ONLY for fire insurance as soon as your offer is accepted (it is a
your Earnest Deposit. good idea to call your current insurer first.) Know the age
of your home when shopping for insurance. Please have
When do I get my keys? your agent contact your escrow officer when you
At the close of escrow, your real estate agent will contact have made your decision.
you regarding the disbursement of the keys. Usually, this
is by noon on the day you close escrow unless, other What do I need to bring with me to the
arrange-mens have been made. Title Company when I go in to sign my
How much time should I allow for my You will need a cashier’s check payable to Driggs Title
signing appointment? (If the amount was given to you previously). Bring a
Please allow approximately 45-60 minutes for your valid driver’s license, valid state ID, Arizona ID card,
valid passport or Military ID.
signing appointment.
When will I receive my Deed
What will the escrow officer explain to me showing proof of ownership?
at my appointment? The day escrow closes is the day the deed re cords with
Escrow instructions with terms of sale per your purchase the county and you become the owner of your home. It
contact, the estimated escrow statement, preliminary could take 6-10 weeks from that date for the county to
report, etc. The escrow officer will explain any reports mail you the original signed/recorded deed.
and inspections that may be required on the property.
We will also provide you with a complete package of Real Estate transactions are complicated and can be
all documents. Escrow instructions with terms of sale per confusing. Driggs Title will be happy to answer any
your purchase contact, the estimated escrow statement, questions that arise during the process.
preliminary report, etc. The escrow officer will explain any
reports and inspections that may be required on the
property. We will also provide you with a complete