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Driver’s License If you do not receive your permanent Vehicle Registration/Tags
driver’s license immediately, you’ll get Vehicle registration in Arizona MUST
As a new resident to Arizona, you are a temporary license to use while your be completed in person at your local
required to obtain an Arizona driver permanent is being mailed to you. DMV office. You will need to submit your
license and to register your vehicle(s) in Your license will expire upon turning 65 vehicle title, a completed application
this state. years old; however, you’ll need to get an form, and proof of ID, as well as pay
If you’ve just moved to Arizona, or updated photo and vision exam every the required fee. You can obtain a
you’ve never been licensed to drive 12 years. temporary registration if you need extra
before, you’ll need to get an AZ driver’s Applicants age 60 years old or older will time to gather your vehicle paperwork in
license right away to begin driving get a license valid for 5 years. order to register it. If you live in Phoenix
legally in the state. or Tucson, you will also be required to
To complete your new driver’s license Insurance pass an emissions test.
application process: Pets
Submit your completed license application
and surrender your out-of-state license, if
you’re a new resident.
Present proof of ID, age, and legal
presence in AZ:
You’ll need a minimum of two documents
from the full list of accepted documents
(birth certificate, U.S. passport, I-94,
Social Security card); one document
must include a clear photo of you. Requirements Thousands of pets find their way into our
At least one document must be from the Arizona requires that every motor vehicle shelters every year. A majority of these
Primary column. operated on roadways be covered by animals have no form of identification
If you don’t have a photo document, one of the statutory forms of financial and are never reunited with their families.
Licensing your dog is not only the law, it
you’ll need three documents from the list, responsibility, more commonly called helps ensure that your beloved pet will be
all of which must be originals or certified liability insurance, through a company returned home safely.
copies. that is authorized to do business in
Provide proof of name change, if In Maricopa County, all dogs three
applicable and provide your Social This requirement also includes golf carts, months of age and older are required to
Security number. motorcycles and mopeds. have a license and rabies vaccination. If
Pass a vision exam and the written Minimum levels of financial responsibility your licensed dog is picked up by one
knowledge test (unless exempt). are: of our Animal Control Officers, we will
If you hold a permit, you will not need to • $15,000 bodily-injury liability for one make every attempt to bring your dog
home to you immediately, and save you
take the permit test. person and $30,000 for two or more (and your dog) a trip to the shelter. Cats
New residents generally do not have to do not need to be licensed.
take this exam. • $10,000 property-damage liability.
Pass the driving test (unless exempt). If your dog does arrive at MCACC and
has a current license, his first 24 hours at
New residents generally do not have to For more information call: the shelter will be at no charge. Licensed
take the driving test. 602-255-0072 dogs receive longer care periods while our
Pay the applicable fee . staff exhausts every option to contact you.
Once you complete these steps, you’ll be Or visit the following web page: Additionally, if a licensed dog bites
given your permanent license right away, someone, he may be eligible for home
UNLESS your local office cannot issue quarantine instead of being quarantined
them (this generally applies to very small vehicle-services/mandatory- in our facility or a veterinary hospital.
towns and cities). insurance