Page 19 - Rick De Luca Relo Guide
P. 19
METRO LIGHT RAIL VALLEY METRO BUSES daily traffic flow of some 263,604
Valley Metro Valley Metro automobiles. Roadwork and construction
101 North 1st Ave., Suite 1300 101 North 1st Ave., Suite 1300 projects are continually under way in
Phoenix, AZ 85003 Phoenix, AZ 85003 order to accommodate the phenomenal
602-253-5000 602-253-5000 growth the city is experiencing in terms of population and business development.
The major arteries for the transportation of
The Phoenix Metro Light Rail was approved Valley Metro operates bus routes around the people and the distribution of cargo into
by voters in Phoenix in 2000. Transit Phoenix area through private companies and out Arizona include I-10, running
2000 aimed at improving the local in Phoenix, Mesa, Tempe, Glendale, east to Las Cruces, New Mexico and West
bus service (considered unacceptably and other parts of Maricopa County. to Southern California; U.S. 60, running
inadequate compared to other major These include fixed routes on city streets, north to Las Vegas and south to Globe;
US cities) and the formation of bus rapid suburban Express buses, RAPID buses, and and I-17, running north to Flagstaff.
transit and light rail, among other things, circulators in downtown parts of Phoenix,
which was seen as a more affordable Glendale, Tempe, and Scottsdale. The MILEAGE FROM PHOENIX
approach. It used the route placing and Valley Metro buses are known to sport TO OTHER MAJOR CITIES
color designations from the 1989 plan. a green “ V’’ along with purple green
Construction on a new light rail line graphics. A theme that makes them easy The Phoenix area is within a day’s drive
began in March, 2005. Featuring 28 to spot to any new or current resident. of many other major cities and such
stations on the initial 20-mile starter well-known attractions as Death Valley,
segment. The line celebrated its grand GREYHOUND BUS SVCS., INC. Disneyland, Hollywood and Las Vegas.
opening December 27, 2008, with 9258 W. Van Buren Street Albuquerque, NM ........................ 422
official ribbon-cutting ceremonies Tolleson, AZ 85353
and community celebrations spread 623- 936-1156 Boise, ID ..................................... 926
throughout Phoenix, Tempe, and Mesa. Cheyenne, WY ........................... 918
The event was attended by thousands 2647 West Glendale Avenue Denver, CO ............................... 821
of local residents who waited as long Phoenix, AZ El Paso, TX ................................. 433
as an hour or more to ride the vehicles. 602-46-0907
The stations have been designed to Houston, TX ............................. 1,176
complement their immediate surroundings. Las Vegas, NV ............................ 297
With three locations in the valley,
As of early 2014, income has exceeded Greyhound offers services to 2,400 Los Angeles, CA ........................ 372
Metro’s stated goal with 44.6% fare locations nationwide. Tickets can be Portland, OR ........................... 1,334
box recovery, partially due to the light purchased just prior to departure; Riverside, CA ............................. 322
rail ridership far exceeding original however, discounts may be offered
projections. The light rail has also led to for some advanced ticket purchases. Salt Lake City, UT ........................ 663
rapid urban development in downtown San Diego, CA ........................... 356
Phoenix and Tempe, generating additional ROADWAYS San Francisco, CA ....................... 753
revenue through taxes. Valley Metro
had its busiest month in February 2014, Phoenix’s grid of federal, state and local Seattle, WA ............................ 1,421
with a weekday ridership of 48,924. roads receives an overwhelming average Tucson, AZ ................................. 116