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Conservatory Admissions Policy
All students pursuing a certi cate program at The New York Film Academy must be pro cient in English and have earned a high school diploma (at a minimum) or an acceptable equivalent. Applicants must submit a creative portfolio.
Required Application Materials
Applicants must submit the following materials for admission:
_ Completed Program Application _ Application Fee
_ Proof of high school completion _ Creative Portfolio
_ Proof of English pro ciency
Students must submit a completed program application. Applications are available online at:
Application Fee
Students must submit a non-refundable $65 application fee, payable online as part of the application.
High School Transcript
All students pursuing a non-degree program from the New York Film Academy must show proof of high school graduation. To ful ll this requirement, applicants must submit ONE of the following documents:
_ Of cial high school academic transcript.
_ Copy of high school diploma.
_ Copy of state-issued high school equivalency certi cate
_ Of cial Associate’s degree or college transcript from
a regionally or nationally accredited college or university that indicates high school graduation as a requirement for enrollment (for students who have completed partial undergraduate coursework).
_ Copy of a fully-completed Department of Defense form DD-214 indicating that the applicant completed high school prior to or during his/her armed forces service.
_ Home school transcript accredited by the state.
The New York Film Academy generally does not consider prior experiential learning as a substitute for the transcript requirements described above. Applicants who do not have the required credentials may choose to audit a program at NYFA, but will not be eligible to receive a degree or certi cate of completion without submitting the necessary transcripts.
Students completing high school in a foreign country, where a language other than English is the of cial language, and who are able to produce an original transcript, must have it
translated into English by an education evaluation service that offers translation services.
Creative Portfolio
1 and 2-year certi cate program applicants must submit a sample of creative work, as indicated below according to the program choice.
Filmmaking, cinematography, producing, screenwriting, documentary, photography and journalism applicants should submit one (or more) writing sample OR visual sample. Please note: if submitting photography samples, you may include up to 10 photographs maximum.
Writing sample may include any ONE of the following:
_ Original short story, article, or persuasive essay (1-5
_ Excerpt from an original screenplay, spec script or short story (1-5 pages).
_ Treatment or outline of a  lm, webisode, or television series concept (1-2 pages).
Visual sample may include any ONE of the following:
_ Any visual or studio art, including, but not limited to, paintings, drawings, sculptures, set designs, mixed media arts, photographs (10 photos maximum, either printed-no larger than 8x10-or JPEGs on a CD/DVD-1200 pixels longest side, SRGB, 72dpi- with an accompanying description contextualizing the submission).
_ Live-action or animated  ction or non- ction  lm/ video on DVD or hyperlink, where the submission can be viewed, regardless of image capture format (5-minute maximum). Collaborative material is accepted if the candidate details the exact nature of his or her contribution to the piece.
_ Storyboards or visual designs with accompanying description.
Acting for Film audition guidelines:
To audition for the acting for  lm conservatory or degree programs at the New York Film Academy, prospective students must submit an application. Applications can be submitted online or brought to the audition. There is a $65 application fee required.
Please prepare two contemporary, contrasting monologues of approximately 60-90 seconds per monologue.
Your monologues must be age appropriate and from a legitimate source material, published play or screenplay. We suggest reading as many plays as you can get
your hands on. This will help you begin to recognize
the structure of a good scene within a play. For video submissions please make sure to include your name and the title of the piece you are performing. Please feel free to contact the Admissions Of ce if you have any
questions about appropriate material.
We want you to  nd pieces that excite you. But most importantly, we want you to  nd monologues and characters that you have a personal connection to. The more connected you are to the character’s circumstances, the more we get to see your talent and personality.
Musical Theatre audition guidelines:
To audition for the musical theatre programs at the New York Film Academy, prospective students must submit an application. Applications can be submitted online or brought to the audition. There is a required $65 application fee for the 1 & 2-Year Musical Theatre programs and a $50 application fee for the 4-Week Musical Theatre workshop.
Please prepare one 60-90 second monologue from a published contemporary American play and two short contrasting musical theatre songs. We will not accept acapella auditions (singing without music).
When auditioning at the New York City location, a pianist will be provided; please bring sheet music in a three-ring binder and in the correct key. For all other auditions outside of the NYC campus, please bring an accompaniment backing track with you on a USB or mobile device (instrumental only, no vocals included). For video submissions please make sure to include your name and the title of the piece you are performing.
Please do not choreograph your audition, use props,
or perform into a microphone. We ask that you choose material that is age and type appropriate. It is important to remember that you must act your songs, so  nd pieces that excite you and that you have a personal connection to. The more connected you are to the character’s circumstances, the more we are able to see your talent and personality.
3D Animation, Game Design & Graphic Design applicants should submit any ONE of the following:
_ Drawings, paintings, cartoons, comics, conceptual
illustrations, graphic renderings, digital images, slides of 3D models, sculptures, or other visual designs, which display the applicant’s creative abilities.
All portfolio materials must be submitted with an accompanying description contextualizing the submission and purpose of the project. Portfolio materials will not be returned.
Proof of English Pro ciency
New York Film Academy believes that to be successful in our degree programs an applicant must have a strong command of the English language. Non-U.S. residents or international applicants, for whom English is not their

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