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 rst or native language, who apply to NYFA’s MFA, MA, BFA, BA, AFA, or long-term certi cate programs, are asked to provide one of the following as proof of English language pro ciency:
_ A TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) score iBT of 68 or an IELTS score of 5.5 for BFA, BA, and Conservatory programs. For the MFA and MA programs, the required score for TOEFL iBT is 79 and IELTS of 6.5.
_ A report from a valid English Language School verifying completion of course level equivalent to a 550 Paper-based TOEFL Score.
Applicants might be eligible to receive an English pro ciency waiver under the following conditions:
_ Veri cation that the applicant has been studying in a college or university where the sole language of instruction is English for at least 1 full year at the time of his or her application; or
_ Veri cation that the applicant has been studying in
a high school where the sole language of instruction is English for at least 3 full years at the time of his or her application.
Applicants who wish to con rm eligibility for a TOEFL/ IELTS waiver can contact an admissions representative for assistance.
For short-term and long-term non-degree certi cate programs, NYFA will accept a positive language evaluation via phone or Skype in lieu of the other requirements.
PLEASE NOTE: All students will take English assessment tests during the registration period at the beginning the program. Students may be referred to additional English study in an ESL program or a blended program depending on their English level. This may add a semester or more to the time needed to complete the program of study at NYFA.
All courses at all NYFA locations are taught in English.
Tuition Deposit
Once admitted to NYFA, students may pay a deposit to secure their place in the program. The deposit for all long-term programs (1-year or longer) is $500, which is applied towards the  rst term tuition payment. Most of the deposit is refundable except a $100 administrative processing fee.
Short-Term Workshops Admissions Policy
All students pursuing a certi cate program at The New York Film Academy must be pro cient in English and have earned a high school diploma (at a minimum) or an acceptable equivalent.
Required Application Materials
Applicants must submit the following materials for admission:
_ Completed Workshop Application _ Application Fee
_ Proof of high school completion _ Proof of English pro ciency
Students must submit a completed program application. Applications are available online at:
Transcript Requirements
In order to demonstrate high school graduation, applicants must submit ONE of the following, documents must be in English or translated into English by a veri ed translation service:
_ Of cial high school transcript showing graduation date. These may be sent directly from the issuing institution to the NYFA registrar’s of ce.
_ Copy of high school diploma showing graduation date.
_ Copy of of cial letter con rming General Education Diploma (GED).
_ Of cial academic transcripts from prior institution(s) from an accredited college or university showing that admission was based on graduation from high school. These may be sent directly from the issuing institution to the NYFA registrar’s of ce.
_ Copy of a college or university diploma showing graduation date.
_ Of cial transcript indicating associate, bachelor’s, master’s or doctorate degree.
Please note: Students who are still in high school at the time of application must supply the completed college transcript or diploma prior to enrollment.
English Pro ciency Requirement
New York Film Academy believes that to be successful in our degree programs an applicant must have a strong command of the English language. Non-U.S. residents
ADMISSIONS 163 or international applicants, for whom English is not their
 rst or native language, who apply to NYFA’s MFA, MA, BFA, BA, AFA, or long-term certi cate programs, are asked to provide one of the following as proof of English language pro ciency:
_ A TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) score iBT of 68 or an IELTS score of 5.5 for BFA, BA, and Conservatory programs. For the MFA and MA programs, the required score for TOEFL iBT is 79 and IELTS of 6.5.
_ A report from a valid English Language School
verifying completion of course level equivalent to a 550 Paper-based TOEFL Score.
Applicants might be eligible to receive an English pro ciency waiver under the following conditions:
_ Veri cation that the applicant has been studying in
a college or university where the sole language of instruction is English for at least 1 full year at the time of his or her application; or
_ Veri cation that the applicant has been studying in
a high school where the sole language of instruction is English for at least 3 full years at the time of his or her application.
Applicants who wish to con rm eligibility for a TOEFL/ IELTS waiver can contact an admissions representative for assistance.
For short-term and long-term non-degree certi cate programs, NYFA will accept a positive language evaluation via phone or Skype in lieu of the other requirements.
PLEASE NOTE: All students will take English assessment tests during the registration period at the beginning the program. Students may be referred to additional English study in an ESL program or a blended program depending on their English level. This may add a semester or more to the time needed to complete the program of study at NYFA.
All courses at all NYFA locations are taught in English.

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