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Screenwriting Programs Master of Fine Arts
NYFA Los Angeles’ Master of Fine Arts in Screenwriting
is a 2-Year, 4-semester program where students learn
to write feature  lms, television, web-series, and comic books. It culminates in a thesis project ( lm or TV) that is developed from concept through rewrite, a process that mirrors development in the industry. Business courses guide students through the industry, pitching, branding and developing a distinctive voice. Students will also have the opportunity to take part in industry internships.
Projects may include:
_ Two feature  lm screenplays
_ Two spec television episodes
_ One original TV series pilot script and series proposal
_ One script for a short  lm
_ One additional thesis project (either a feature
 lm screenplay or TV series pilot script and series proposal), which is developed, written and rewritten
_ An original comic book script and proposal
_ An original webseries proposal
_ A produced webseries pilot
_ A game design document for an original game
_ A Transmedia Franchise (Story World) that contains
the comic, web-series and game stories
_ Several original treatments and one treatment for an adapted screenplay
Master of Arts
NYFA Los Angeles’s 1-year, 3-semester Master of Arts degree in screenwriting is an accelerated, intensive academic course combining studies of the craft of writing with practical hands-on experience. Students learn the tools to write a successful screenplay through the full process of transforming a single idea into a compelling story that will resonate with audiences, while also developing the foundational skills necessary to research and understand cinema. Students learn to adapt stories from other forms and sources into a treatment for a professional-caliber feature  lm.
Projects may include:
_ One feature  lm screenplay, either an adaptation or an original
_ An academic thesis paper comparing their journey - in writing their script to the journey of an established screenwriter
_ A treatment for either an original screenplay or an adaptation (depending on which was fully written)

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