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Bachelor of Fine Arts
The New York Film Academy’s accelerated, 3-year, 8-semester Bachelor of Fine Arts in Screenwriting program provides the practical real-world arts training of a conservatory combined with a rich grounding
in the liberal arts, humanities, and sciences to give students the critical, analytical, and communication tools needed to  ourish as artists and human beings. Students will study television and  lm, and dive into other media as well, before completing the program with a thesis script developed, written, and rewritten over their  nal three semesters.
Projects may include:
_ Two feature  lm screenplays
_ One spec television episode
_ One original TV series pilot script and series proposal
_ One script for a short  lm
_ One additional thesis project (either a feature
 lm screenplay or TV series pilot script and series proposal), which is developed, written and rewritten.
_ An original comic book script and proposal
_ An original webseries proposal
_ A produced web series pilot
_ A game design document for an original game
_ Several original treatments and one treatment for an
adapted screenplay
Associate of Fine Arts
For writers who are eager to dive into the professional world but want to  rst secure a higher degree,
New York Film Academy’s Associate of Fine Arts in Screenwriting is an excellent choice. In this 2-year, 4-semester program, aspiring screenwriters have the opportunity to focus almost exclusively on their craft in a studio-based curriculum that mirrors the realities of the current industry. This intensive, hands-on program can stand alone or serve to transfer into the New York Film Academy’s BFA program.
Projects may include:
_ Two feature  lm screenplays
_ One spec television episode
_ One original TV series pilot script and series proposal
_ One script for a short  lm
_ One additional capstone project (either a feature
 lm screenplay or TV series pilot script and series proposal), which is developed and written
_ A revision blueprint for their capstone project
1-Year Conservatory
The New York Film Academy’s 1-Year Screenwriting program allows passionate students to delve deeply into the craft of screenwriting in a professional conservatory environment for advanced training. Conservatory students write intensively throughout the course, completing multiple projects and exploring related areas of  lmmaking that help to improve their screenplays. Qualifying 1-year students can continue into the Academy’s degree programs in Screenwriting.
Projects may include:
_ Two feature  lm screenplays
_ One spec television episode
_ One original TV series pilot script and series proposal _ One script for a short  lm
Short-Term Workshops
The New York Film Academy has distilled the essential elements from our renowned screenwriting courses to create hands-on, intensive screenwriting workshops, designed for passionate students who are ready to work and learn within a focused creative environment. Students must come to the  rst day of class with an idea for their screenplay, with the goal of completing
a  rst draft by the conclusion of the workshop. Each student’s level of success depends entirely on his or
her own dedication, passion, and drive. Short-term program students will also gain a strong foundational understanding of the theory of writing, the business of screenwriting, and the practical tools and skills that can help them compete in the marketplace.
_ 8-Week Screenwriting Workshop
_ 12-Week Evening Screenwriting Workshop
Online Screenwriting Courses
The New York Film Academy’s Online Screenwriting courses allow students to learn  rst-hand from proli c industry professionals — online — from their own home. Each 15-week workshop is structured to deliver intensely focused and challenging lessons that can be taken sequentially to follow the natural arc of project development, or a la carte to ful ll the exact needs
of each student’s current goals. Combining NYFA’s philosophy of learning by doing with the convenience of technology, our online screenwriting workshops offer  exibility for students to signi cantly improve their understanding of the craft of writing for media.
_ 15-Week Online Screenplay Story & Structure Workshop _ 15-Week Online Screenplay Workshop
_ 15-Week Online Screenplay Rewrite Workshop
_ 15-Week Online Television Spec Workshop
_ 15-Week Online Television Pilot Workshop
_ 15-Week Online Television Rewrite Workshop
_ 15-Week Online Writing For Comic Books Workshop

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