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Cinematography Projects Still Photo Project #1
The  rst cinematography project is a story told through a series of still images photographed on 35mm black and white  lm.
Mise-En-Scène Film
The mise-en-scène  lm is photographed in black and white on 16mm  lm with the option to use a basic lighting package. Students will crew on colleagues’  lms in key creative positions including gaffer, key grip, camera assistant, and camera operator.
Continuity Project
The continuity project challenges students to focus on shot design and creating a scene that can be cut together elegantly. They will use a high de nition camera, and begin using more sophisticated grip and light-shaping techniques.
Still Photo Project #2
Returning to the still photo format for the fourth project, students will tell a story through a series of black and white images. Students will be expected to show a higher level of technical control and a more sophisticated understanding of visual narrative.
Music Video Project
Using the Red Scarlet digital cinema camera, each student will choose a piece of music and then create
a project that interprets it. Cinematography students are encouraged to work with  lmmaking and producing students on this project, as well as supporting their classmates’ projects by working in key crew positions.
35mm Film
Students are encouraged to concentrate on a short project that maximizes production value and presents a strong visual design. The student will determine the format of the project, with options including a short narrative, music video, or spec commercial.
Sunrise/Sunset Project
For this project, students will shoot using only the natural light available at the beginning and end of the day. Working in teams of two, one student will shoot
at sunrise, while the other will photograph a project
at sunset. Emphasis is placed on the preparation and planning necessary to work within this short time frame.
Semester 2 Project
At the end of the  rst year, students will shoot a
short project using the Red Dragon camera. They are encouraged to  nd collaborators from the  lmmaking and producing programs. The  lm must incorporate a strong narrative with an emphasis on visual storytelling. This project should be a showcase for the many skills and techniques that the students have learned in all of their class.
Documentary Project
Students will explore this new format by shooting and editing a short documentary project, in which they are challenged to develop a compelling narrative based on a subject of their choice. Advanced sound recording equipment and techniques will be introduced.
Arri ex Alexa Portfolio Project
Following a master’s level workshop introducing
this cutting-edge camera system, each student will photograph a short portfolio project using the Arri ex Alexa camera. Students may bring in an outside collaborator to direct, but must develop the form and content of the project themselves.
HD Camera Project
In this montage exercise, students create a  lm of 15-25 shots that employs  lm non-linear storytelling techniques where images tell a story or convey a message by manipulating time, space, and rhythm. This project requires multiple shots, necessarily with most edits of discontinuous space/time/action, no sync sound. This project is shot on the SONY A7Sii, a digital SLR camera.
Semester 1 Project
Students use the RED Scarlet, a 4K HD camera system. There are no story or structure parameters. The students are free to decide for themselves on these two points and are now highly encouraged to collaborate with directors and other crew positions from other programs.
POV Project
Shot on the RED Dragon, this project is restricted in camera, and in content parameters. Students must shoot with the Red Dragon, and they must shoot a story that clearly establishes one character’s story POV, and then, there must be a discernable shift to a second character’s clearly established story POV. For example, Little Red Riding Hood is the sympathetic character
at the beginning of our student’s  lm, but then it must morph into The Wolf’s story, or the Woodman’s, or the Grandmother’s.
Cinematographer’s Capstone Project
At the end of the one-year conservatory program, students can choose to shoot this  nal project with any camera they can get access to. This project has no restrictions on it. Students can choose to shoot any story they like. Each student gets four days to shoot and they make their own crews from within the class. Collaboration with students from other programs is encouraged.
MFA Thesis Film
Students will have two options to ful ll the thesis requirement: They can initiate their own thesis production, or collaborate on a thesis project with students from the MA in  lm and media production program or the MFA in  lmmaking program. Students are supported by a thesis committee composed of veteran faculty members who will provide guidance and advice throughout the thesis process. Students should strive to make a  lm with strong, expressive images that showcases their creative voice as a cinematographer.

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