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P. 66

1-Year Conservatory
The New York Film Academy’s 1-Year Cinematography program puts aspiring cinematographers behind the camera and at the helm of their own creative projects from the  rst day of class, beginning with black and white still photography and progressing all the way to projects shot on 35mm  lm and the RED Dragon digital cinema camera.
Our conservatory students will learn to operate a variety of industry-standard cameras, working with different  lm and digital formats. These will include Arri ex
16mm  lm cameras, high-de nition videos cameras, professional 35mm motion picture cameras, and cutting- edge RED digital cinema cameras including the Scarlet and Dragon.
Hands-on experience, supervised workshops, class projects, and intensive master classes means that 1-year students are creating original work, collaborating with their peers, experiencing different crew positions, and learning the nuts and bolts of cinematography.

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