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Documentary Programs Master of Fine Arts
The New York Film Academy confers a Master of Fine Arts degree in Documentary Filmmaking at our Los Angeles campus. The program trains students to attain expertise in the craft of non ction  lm, as they create multiple projects during 6 semesters of intensive study.
At the advanced level of training in the MFA program, students are committed to pursue theoretical, technical, aesthetic, and structural mastery. Students “learn by doing” through supervised workshops and hands-on projects, practicing industry-standard techniques in non ction  lm and digital media. Documentary MFA students investigate how to develop, fund, produce, direct, edit, market, and distribute non- ction projects, as instructors challenge them to develop an intellectual and ethical understanding of the issues involved in creating media about real people and real subjects.
1-Year Conservatory
The New York Film Academy’s 1-Year Documentary Filmmaking conservatory is distinctive in that it focuses solely on making  lms. Freed from academic requirements, the conservatory’s intensive hands- on training pushes new  lmmakers to learn the
art and technique of visual storytelling as they produce documentaries and new media of increasing complexity and depth. Students also develop and
pitch a documentary TV series and learn the technical, production,  nance and distribution skills necessary
to conceive, complete and launch their own original documentary and new media projects at a professional level. In the process, each student develops a body of work throughout the course of the year.
Conservatory students have the opportunity to build a remarkable professional network with both peers and instructors as they produce their own  lms. Our faculty offers students the priceless advantage of working directly with documentary’s current masters: multiple Academy Award, Emmy Award, Peabody Award,
Telly Award, Dupont Award, and top festival-winning  lmmakers, producers, editors and cinematographers.
6-Week Workshop
NYFA’s 6-Week Documentary Filmmaking Workshop compresses the fundamental lessons of documentary  lmmaking into an exciting, intensive experience designed to give aspiring documentarians the experience of making their own  lms from  rst idea to  nal screening.
Our workshop challenges aspiring documentarians
to  nd their own voice as they learn digital video cameras, sound recording equipment, and digital editing software. Students directly apply what they learn in class to hands-on projects. Students also crew on their classmates’ documentary  lms to learn the ins and outs of camera operation and sound recording. Hours are set aside outside of class time to shoot the workshop  lms.
Each and every student to complete this workshop
will come away with signi cant on-set and editing experience, as well as a copy of their own documentary shorts.

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