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Documentary Trip
New York Film Academy documentary lmmaking students enrolled in our conservatory or master’s degree programs have the option to go out into the eld on a unique documentary lmmaking expedition, where NYFA students and instructors travel together to an exciting part of the world and create original documentaries. For students passionate to use school vacation time to seek out new stories in the wider world, the New York Film Academy’s documentary explorations offer a chance
to dive into a new location, nd and lm a story under the supervision of our award-winning faculty and staff. The trip is offered as an optional, additional experience outside the program’s curriculum. On it, students lm social media micro docs or virtual reality experiences in a new context.
Past expeditions have taken students to Alaska to
lm humpback whales with ground-breaking scientist, Cynthia d’Vincent; to Bali for an immersive exploration of the uniquely, cinematic Balinese culture; to Navajo Country to shoot the famous 200-mile Pony Express ride; and to the Mesoamerican Reef in Belize, where aspiring lmmakers raised a call to help save the earth’s coral reefs in collaboration with top marine conservation organizations including Mission Blue, Healthy Reefs and Oceanic Society.
Films created by NYFA students during their documentary expeditions have gone on to screen in
lm festivals, and inspired award-winning work in
their careers beyond school. NYFA student Rachael Pelzer’s documentary expedition lm “Freya” screened at DOC NYC and the G2 Green Earth Film Festival. Gary Bencheghib’s social media campaign of micro docs, “Make A Change” is “Changing the world one view at a time,” scoring over 250 million views so far.