P. 24

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                                     Pertamina Adds To kerosene supply

                   TEMPO  Interactive,  Jakarta:  the   that the subsidy is between Rp3000 and
               government asked pt Pertamina to add    Rp5000 per liter. kerosene extra supply,
               to the kerosene supply in several areas   he said, has not yet been discussed with
               in indonesia. the additional kerosene   the House The important thing is, meet
               supply  is  being  carried  out  starting   the people's demand he said.
               today until the end of year                 According  to  him,  the  kerosene
                   pertamina's  director  of  marketing   shortage occurred due to the decrease
               and commerce ahmad faisal said vice     of  the  quota  allocation  in  the  State
               president jusuf kalla  ordered  that the   Budget from 10 million kiloliter to 9.9
               kerosene  supply  is  being  added in   million  kiloliter.  At  first,  pertamina
               order to meet the people's need. the    estimated a declining trend of kerosene
               extra  kerosene  is  around  100000     consumption. however, after the fasting
               kiloliter up to the end of  year,  he said   month, there was a kerosene demand
               after the coordination meeting on the   hike. The worst shortages are in Medan
               kerosene  shortage  in  the  Vice       and jakarta, especially Cempaka putih
               President's palace yesterday.           and Tomang.
                   Additional supply, said faisal will     faisal  argued  that  it  is  said  the
               be done throughout the nation except    kerosene shortage is because pertamina
               in balikpapan and sulawesi. "because,   is in a stock deficit. The kerosene stock
               in  those  areas  there  is  no  kerosene   is still enough for 29 days What we do is
               shortage,  he  said.  According  to  him,   only to limit sales volume, he said. To
               the extra supply is only for subsidized   prevent  abuse,  pertamina  cooperates
               and household kerosene                  with the Agency for Oil and natural gas
                   faisal said the additional kerosene   and the police.
               will normalize distribution in two or                    Source:
               three  days.  This  will  give  kerosene
               subsidies by between Rp300 billion to
               Rp250 billion based on the assumption
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