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Committee 2022
           CLUB PATRONS: Geoff Hunt O.A., Michelle Martin, Warren Turner
           PRESIDENT:  Mark Shoesmith.
           VICE PRESIDENT: Glenn Sawtell.
           SECRETARY: Nick Kliousis.
           TREASURER: Fenwick Snowdon.
           PUBLICITY OFFICER: Nick Neville.
           CLUB CAPTAIN: Glenn Grainger.
           IT MANAGER: Reuben Rundle.
           REFRESHMENT CO- ORDINATORS: Josh Suidgeest, Peter Castles, Reuben Rundle.

                           Competition Conditions (Please Read)

                        COVID-19 Limited Restrictions are in force for this Competition
      Check in using Service NSW QR Code is compulsory
      Face masks must be worn when not on court.
      You are not required to be fully vaccinated or carry vaccination evidence.

      1.   The “Point a Rally” system of scoring will be used throughout this Competition
      2.   5:00pm start Any player, knowing they will be late. Please advise your team captain and your opponent.
      3.   Competition Fees to be paid in full by round 6, Players who have not paid their fees may not be eligible to play
           in the finals.
      4.   All Players are to either score or umpire one match per round.
      5.   All Players are to wear their Sponsors Shirts, which should be White or Pastel in colour.
      6.   Players, who are unable to play, must organise a substitute, who is graded below themselves or use a substitute
           from Subs in programme. If you cannot arrange a sub please inform your team captain or one of the committee.
      7.   Subs for the Final Series are to be from the revised grading’s after the final round of each competition or at the
           discretion of the Committee.
      8.   As a matter of safety on court, there is no turning on the ball under any circumstances.
      9.   Games are to played on courts allocated in the draw, use of a second court will be permitted only under certain
      10.   Players should respect Markers and Umpires decisions; they generally have a better view of the game.
      11.   Bad attitude, court rage and abuse are not in the spirit of the game.
      12.   Excessive bad language is unnecessary and will not be tolerated.
      13.   The Rules of Squash with the regard to penalties for Conditions 9, 10 & 11 will apply.
      14.   If you cannot play on the Wednesday night you are allowed to play your match prior to that Wednesday if your
           opponent agrees. Games not played during the allotted Wednesday must be played on or prior to the following
      15.   The player who cannot play on the allotted Wednesday and organises with his opponent to play outside is to
           pay the court owner the full fee for court
      16.   Line Winners will be decided by the aggregate at the end of the competition.
      17.   Remember, this is basically a Social Competition, so let’s play the game in that spirit.

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