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female (Hussar, et al., 2020), figures   genuinely encourage all to apply.
          that have remained relatively stable   Consider what media has been        It is also important to
          for decades. However, the student    employed to reach a truly diverse     examine the makeup
          population continues to diversify    candidate pool. Consider proactive
          with students of color now filling the   recruiting, which goes beyond posting   of hiring committees
          numeric majority of K-12 student     in the usual places. Reach out to     to ensure that multiple
          desks across the nation (Hussar, et al.,   college career offices to establish a   voices are represented
          2020). While school district recruiting   rapport and to find out how to attend
          efforts rightly emphasize hiring those   various events remotely or on campus.   and that all have been
          with proven pedagogical skills and   Look for opportunities to form formal   provided with training
          content knowledge, research touts the   partnerships with institutions of
          benefits in increasing teacher diversity   higher learning or other organizations   on how to conduct a
          (Nevarez, Jouganatos, & Wood, 2019;   targeted on growing your own students   consistent and legal
          Villegas & Irvine, 2010). Progress has   into future educators (Gist, Blanco,   interview process.
          been slow to manifest itself and is   & Lynn, 2019). Consider building
          undermined by a low percentage (21%)   locally-funded programs that help
          of new recruits to the profession who   paraprofessional staff members gain   Mentoring has been a requirement for
          are teachers of color, coupled with high   the necessary credentials to enter the   New Jersey’s school districts since
          rates of teacher turnover (Nevarez,   classroom. Indeed, some states have   2003. Periodic examination of these
          Jouganatos, & Wood, 2019).           already submitted plans to use Federal   practices is also important to ensure
                                               Title IIA funds for this purpose (Rafa   they support the long-term retention
          Steps to a More Diverse              & Roberts, 2020), so it is possible that   and growth in cultural competency
          Educator Workforce                   New Jersey will follow suit.         among new educators. Look at your
                                                                                    mentor plan, and conduct an internal
          Indeed, in recent decades a majority   Continue by creating uniform criteria   audit of all related processes. Launch
          of US states have adopted policies,   to screen applications. Ensure that the   school climate surveys. Take a close
          and many districts have taken up     interviewing committee has access    look at the demographics of teacher
          efforts to reduce this “cultural chasm   to everything. It is also important   leadership and administration in your
          between teachers and their students”   to examine the makeup of hiring    district. Consider implementing a
          (Villegas & Irvine, 2010., p. 175).   committees to ensure that multiple   leadership academy to expand the
          For individual district leaders looking   voices are represented and that all   internal pool of candidates who can
          toward this goal, it might prove helpful   have been provided with training on   move through the hiring pipeline for
          to critically examine the processes   how to conduct a consistent and legal   different leadership positions over
          involved in staff recruitment, hiring,   interview process. Provide committee   time. Conduct a needs assessment
          induction, and retention, as well as   members with a job-appropriate rating   among teaching staff to ascertain
          offering opportunities that require   scale, along with targeted open-ended   their level of cultural competency,
          staff to contend with implicit bias in   interview questions that are designed   and over time support their continued
          recruitment and hiring practices.    to elicit candidates’ experiences    professional growth, so that they can
                                               and qualifications for the posted    successfully prepare students with
          Recruitment and Hiring               position. Ensure that all questions   the knowledge and skills necessary
          If the process of hiring has not been   are considered acceptable under   to function effectively as citizens
          audited to ensure it is compliant    the EEOC/ADA guidelines. Direct      of a pluralistic society (Gay, 2010,
          with Equal Employment Opportunity    the committee members to review      p. 21). Beyond working within your
          Commission (EEOC) requirements,      all documents and to stay attentive   own organization, consider exploring
          this is an important first step, as   throughout all interviews. Be sure that   options for collaboration with others to
          is a careful examination of the      all interview materials are collected   pool resources and ideas.
          demographics of recent hires to      and kept confidential. Although only
          elucidate related trends. Also a     one candidate may be selected,       CJ PRIDE: One NJ
          district must appoint and train Civil   review the process for communicating   Consortium’s Efforts toward
          Rights Coordinators and designate an   with the other candidates, as they may   Strategic Recruitment of
          Affirmative Action Officer to oversee   be eligible for future vacancies.  Diverse Educators
          compliance with Title VI, and Title   Induction, Mentoring, and
          IX in all personnel and employment                                        In the early 2000s, eight school
          Practices; their involvement with this   Retention                        districts in the central region of
          internal audit is critical.          Once a candidate has been hired, a   New Jersey joined together into a
          To audit the hiring process, start with   quality initial induction and orientation   consortium known as the Central to
                                                                                    Jersey Program for the Recruitment
          an examination and update of job     program, followed by protracted      of Diverse Educators (CJ PRIDE).
          descriptions that form the basis of   skilled mentoring support can help   Both authors of this article are active
          postings. Review postings not only   ensure a low turnover rate among new   participants. This organization’s
          for compliance but to ensure they    staff (Ronfeldt & McQueen, 2017).

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