Page 82 - EdViewptsSpring2021
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reimagining the processes used for   Several advantages to this model     3. Create a routine.
      determining students’ placement to   of decision-making emerged. One      Importance was placed on establishing
      advanced courses.                    advantage was the ability to tap     a predictable routine for the workings
                                           into the communities’ expertise.     of the committee. Each meeting was
                                           Committee members offered different   announced via email and included
      Profile: The Township of Union       perspectives, bringing with them     goals for the upcoming meeting, as
      School District                      varied solutions that may never      well as, any preparatory materials or
                                           have surfaced otherwise. Further,
      The Township of Union School District,   stakeholder participation equated   actions needed. Every meeting began
                                                                                with a jump start warm-up activity and
      located in Union County, serves      to a better-informed community.      sign-in, allowing committee members
      approximately 7,000 students. About   By participating in the process,    to access any needed materials
      half of the students identify as Black   stakeholders gained a deeper     and think about topics that would be
      or a person of color and nearly a third   understanding of the district’s   discussed. Additionally, meetings
      as economically disadvantaged (New   goals and challenges. Lastly, the    included a review of the day’s goals.
      Jersey Department of Education,      collaborative nature cultivated      Then, an open discussion would
      2020). Honors level courses begin in   relationships among participants that   follow. Once the discussion concluded
      7th grade. At the high school level,   were crucial to developing integrity,   and any applicable goals were
      31 honors courses and 23 Advanced    fairness, and trust.                 achieved, the committee engaged
      Placement courses are offered. At the   2. Establish clear norms and shared   in “looking forward” - a practice
      onset of the 2020-2021 school year,   values.                             that consisted of outlining steps to
      the district used a 5-point rubric with                                   complete before the next meeting,
      multiple criteria (i.e. standardized test   During the first meeting, the committee   as well as providing tentative future
      scores, teacher recommendation, etc.)   established norms and shared values.   objectives and planning.
      to determine Honors/AP placement.    Norms included meeting length
      Concerns of limited access,          expectations, tentative meeting      4. Establish an overarching
      opportunity, and inclusivity arose from   schedules, and communication    structure.
      community members as it pertained    methods for both in and outside of the   The authors used an hourglass
      to this structure. The authors of this   meeting. More importantly, the norms   structure for the overall progression
      article set out to reimagine this criteria.   established procedures for decision-  of the meetings. This structure, which
      To engage in this work, the authors   making. The committee outlined how   bears a resemblance to a research
      served as facilitators for a district-wide   decisions would be finalized if there   paper, begins by touching upon
      Honors/AP committee. Below are the   was a consensus, or if a deadlock    broader research. It progressively
      key takeaways based on the authors’   occurred. Establishing norms early   narrows to the specific focus of
      experiences.                         on allowed for maximum engagement    the topic at hand and, eventually,
      1. Include representation of all     to occur; all members knew of time   broadens again generalizing findings.
                                           commitments and discussions
      stakeholders.                        allowed for differing opinions without   Current research on placement in
      School leaders have four             holding up the committee indefinitely   advanced programs was identified
                                                                                and discussed during initial sessions.
      options of involvement regarding     if the members could not come to a   Included were detracking position
      decision-making: 1) autocratic;      consensus.                           statements from the National Council
      2) participative which requires      Additionally, the committee established  of Supervisors of Mathematics
      seeking input; 3) collaborative;     shared values. Committee members     (NCSM) and the National Council of
      and 4) laissez-faire (Clark, n.d.).   expressed an importance on          Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and
      The authors chose to proceed with    opportunity and access to advanced   suggestions on student placement
      a collaborative decision-making      courses, but not without student     from various State Departments
      model. A committee of stakeholders   support which would maintain         of Education. The committee then
      was assembled, including Board       the rigor of the programs. The       narrowed their focus by conducting
      of Education members, Central        committee further identified key     an equity audit on student placement
      Office administrators, content-      characteristics of students in Honors/  in Union as well as a cursory
      area supervisors, principals,        AP: intellectual curiosity, motivation,   review of placement criteria from
      teachers, parents, and students      and appropriate prerequisite content   other districts in New Jersey. This
      that represented grades K-12. The    knowledge. Identifying and allowing   provided committee members a
      authors also included representatives   for development of the shared values   better understanding of current trends
      of specialized communities including   allowed the committee to ground their   in student placement and a more
      Special Education, current Honors/AP   decisions in those values, consistently   focused lens with which to make
      students, and Honors/AP hopefuls.
                                           referring back to them to ensure that   specific decisions. Once a draft of a
                                           recommendations aligned with those   new process for placing students was
                                           underlying values.                   established, the committee presented

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