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                                         TIME TO BOOST

                                For  dull,  tired  or  challenged  skin

                      Our body goes through a lot during our lifetime that can lead to

                  challenges for our skin. From fluctuating weight, pregnancy or just time
                 catching up with us, skin can begin to sag, and wrinkles on the body can

                  start to show. With approximately 1.4 billion people worldwide affected
                    by cellulite and around 84% of women*worrying about their dimples

                    and overall skin texture, there has never been a better time to tackle
                       unwanted lumps and bumps and start loving the skin you’re in.

                     The Booster bodycare range has been specially formulated using a

                    blend of skin tightening, toning and firming ingredients to help firm
                  your bum, tum and wobbly bits!  Stimulating ingredients such as Indian

                  coleus, giant kelp and caffeine have been carefully curated to leave skin
                                        feeling radiant, tighter and healthy.

                                           * Source:
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