Page 16 - Martin Murungi World View
P. 16
What’s great about this country is the American tradition where the richest and poorest people
live in houses that were built the same way. You can look around your house and you know that
JFK lived in a wood framed house, Beyoncé lives in a wood framed house, and you live in a wood
framed house, too. Wood framing has always been wood framing and no amount of money can
get you better 2x4s than the ones in the poorest neighborhood in town. All framing is the same
and all framing is good.
Here, we try to write a history of wood framing in this seminar. Rather than giving it the usual form
of a narrative text, we will tell it with . The research is also a mixture of readings and
a list of questions about the history and technology of wood framing, including its invention,
development, popularization, recent evolution as well as technical standards and practices.
Paul Andersen