Page 16 - Braun06ThematicAnalysis
P. 16

92  V Braun and V Clarke

             satisfactory thematic map. In so doing, it is  you do not just paraphrase the content of
             possible that you will identify potential  the data extracts presented, but identify
             new themes, and you will need to start     what is of interest about them and why.
             coding for these as well, if they are of     For each individual theme, you need to
             interest and relevent. However, a word     conduct and write a detailed analysis. As
             of warning: as coding data and generating  well as identifying the ‘story’ that each
             themes could go on ad infinitum,itis       theme tells, it is important to consider
             important not to get over-enthusiastic with  how it fits into the broader overall ‘story’
             endless re-coding. It is impossible to pro-  that you are telling about your data, in
             vide clear guidelines on when to stop, but  relation to the research question or ques-
             when your refinements are not adding any-  tions, to ensure there is not too much
             thing substantial, stop! If the process of  overlap between themes. So it is necessary
             recoding is only fine-tuning and making    to consider the themes themselves, and
             more nuanced a coding frame that already   each theme in relation to the others. As
             works  / ie, it fits the data well  / recognize  part of the refinement, you will need to
             this and stop. Consider it as similar to   identify whether or not a theme contains
             editing written work  / you could endlessly  any sub-themes. Sub-themes are essentially
             edit your sentences and paragraphs, but    themes-within-a-theme. They can be useful
             after a few editing turns, any further work  for giving structure to a particularly large
             is usually unnecessary refinement  / similar  and complex theme, and also for demon-
             to rearranging the hundreds and thousands  strating the hierarchy of meaning within the
             on an already nicely decorated cake.       data. For instance, in one of Virginia’s
               At the end of this phase, you should have  analyses of women’s talk about the vagina,
             a fairly good idea of what your different  she identified two overarching themes in
             themes are, how they fit together, and the  women’s talk: the vagina as liability, and the
             overall story they tell about the data.
                                                        vagina as asset (Braun and Wilkinson,
             Phase 5: defining and naming themes        2003). Within each theme, three sub-themes
             Phase 5 begins when you have a satisfactory  were identified: for liability the sub-themes
             thematic map of your data  / see Figure 4 for  were ‘nastiness and dirtiness’, ‘anxieties’
             the final refinements of Virginia’s thematic  and ‘vulnerability’; for asset the sub-themes
             map. At this point, you then define and    were ‘satisfaction’, ‘power’ and ‘pleasure’.
             further refine the themes you will present  However, these eventual final themes and
             for your analysis, and analyse the data    sub-themes resulted from a process of re-
             within them. By ‘define and refine’, we    finement of initial themes and sub-themes,
             mean identifying the ‘essence’ of what     as shown in Figures 2 /4.
             each theme is about (as well as the themes   It is important that by the end of this phase
             overall), and determining what aspect of the  you can clearly define what your themes are
             data each theme captures. It is important  and what they are not. One test for this is to
             not to try and get a theme to do too much, or  see whether you can describe the scope and
             to be too diverse and complex. You do this  content of each theme in a couple of sen-
             by going back to collated data extracts for  tences. If not, further refinement of that
             each theme, and organizing them into a     theme may be needed. Although you will
             coherent and internally consistent account,  already have given your themes working
             with accompanying narrative. It is vital that  titles, this is also the point to start thinking
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