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About the authors
VIRGINIA BRAUN is a senior lecturer in the Department of Psychology at the University
of Auckland, where she teaches, supervises and conducts qualitative research. Her
research interests are primarily focused around women’s health, gendered bodies, and
sex and sexuality, and the intersections between these areas. She is currently working on
projects related to ‘sex in long-term relationships’, ‘female genital cosmetic surgery’ and
‘the social context of STI transmission’.
VICTORIA CLARKE is a senior lecture in social psychology at the University of the West
of England. She has published a number of papers on lesbian and gay parenting, and
co-edited two special issues of Feminism and Psychology on Marriage (with Sara-Jane
Finlay and Sue Wilkinson). She is currently conducting ESRC-funded research on same-
sex relationships (with Carol Burgoyne and Maree Burns) and co-editing (with Elizabeth
Peel) a book on LGBTQ psychology (Out in psychology, Wiley).