Page 22 - The Doula Hub - Flip book_Neat
P. 22

P L A C E  O F  B I R T H

                                                                                                          Midwife Led      Obstetric
                                                                                                          Unit             Unit

  Where should I decide                                            Gas & Air (N2))            Yes         Yes              Yes

  to have my baby??                                                Tens Machine               Yes         Take from home   Take from home

                                                                   Pethidine                  Yes         Yes              Yes

                                                                   Diamorphine                ?           Yes              Yes
     Home – not synonymous with free birth and
     many people are unaware of the support
     available to them at home                                     Epidural                   No          Yes (some)       Yes

                                                                   Birth Pool                 Yes         Yes (limited)    Some
     Midwife Led Unit - staffed by midwives and
     can be free standing or a separate department                 Bag & Mask                 Yes         Yes              Yes
     within a hospital

                                                                   1 to 1 care                Yes (2 to 1)  (Yes)          (Yes)
     Obstetrics unit - Obstetricians work in an
     obstetric unit in a hospital, although most of the            Consistency of care        Yes         Some             Some
     time midwives will be caring for a woman
                                                                   Privacy                    Yes         (Yes)            (yes)

                                                                   Father present             Yes         Yes              (Yes)

     Weigh risks and benefits of each birth                        Food                       Yes         (Yes)            (Yes)

                                                                   Stitching (if required)    (Yes)       (Yes)            Yes
     Birthplace in England Research Programme
     shows lowest rate of intervention in home                     Injection for haemorrhage  Yes         Yes              Yes
     birth setting

     Research published by Lancet
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