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P. 106

7.2  Students’ Perceptions on Using OSC@KKTPg

           The following are the data analyzed based on the responses obtained from the questionnaire. There were altogether 34 students
       who participated in the survey. The collective inclination of the respondents (agree or disagree) is determined using mean score
       based on the classification in Table 2 (Mohd Najib Abd. Ghafar, 1998). Mean value from 1.00-1.50 is considered as very low; mean
       value from 2.50-3.49 is considered average; while 4.50-5.00 is considered very high.

                                            Score Range     Mean Interpretation

                                              1.00-1.50          Very Low

                                              1.51-2.49            Low

                                              2.50-3.49          Average
                                              3.50-4.49            High

                                              4.50-5.00          Very High

                                              Table 2: Interpretation of Mean Score

                                              Item                             Mean         Level

                         A1.    I heard about Blendspace before using          3.76         High
                         A2.    I understand the concept of OSC@KKTPg          4.06         High

                         A3.    I feel motivated to know about Kolej Komuniti   3.97        High
                                Taiping when I used OSC@KKTPg

                         A4.    I feel happy to use OSC@KKTPg to get my        3.91         High
                                information about Kolej Komuniti Taiping
                         A5.    OSC@KKTPg is easy to access from anywhere      4.15         High
                                and anytime
                         A6.    OSC@KKTPg is easy to adapt and engaging        4.12         High

                         A7.    With OSC@KKTPg, I can control my own pace      4.03         High
                                of understanding
                         A8.    OSC@KKTPg is user-friendly, and useful to      4.06         High
                                obtain information about community college
                         A9.    I understand the instructions given in using   3.91         High

                        A10     I want to continue using OSC@KKTPg             3.91         High
                                                            Overall Mean       3.99         High

                                      Table 3: Respondents Perceptions on Using OSC@KKTPg

          96 | O M I I C O T - V O L 2 1
   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110   111