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Paperwork  OMIIJCOT 2020

                   Social and Humaniora Paper   Hubbul Wathan, S.Pdi.M.A. dan Ika Mary ,       POLMED
                   to Collect                 S.E.,Ak.,M.Si.
                  10) CONCLUSION

                  The  journal  and  conference  is  a  platform  for  disseminating  knowledge  in  various  fields
                  through the presentation of new discoveries in research and innovation, new technologies for
                  all educators and researchers. This  implementation of the program also is a healthy activity
                  that  any  institution  needs  to  address  in  order  to  address  ongoing  changes  in  all  aspects
                  especially in IR4.0 (creativity solution and universal integration). Hopefully, the joint venture
                  of the units in POLMED, USU, UNIMED, UBATAM, UMA, UP, , PPM, POLIMEDIA , ITS,
                  PPD; UPIK, CART and UKA PPD successfully organizes online platform that are act as the
                  heart  of  research  and  innovation  and  at  the  same  time  triggers  important  steps  towards
                  cooperation  among  intrenational  institutions  towards  achieving  index  performance  of    Port
                  Dickson Polytechnic excellence achievements.

                  Prepared by;
                  Medan, North Sumatera,
                  Tuesday, on May, 9th, 2020

                  (HERRI TRISNA FRIANTO, S.T.,M.T.)

                  (DR. RUSLAWATI ABDUL WAHAB)
                  Head of Unit Research and Innovation PPD

                  (DR ISHAM SHAH HASSAN)

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