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Paperwork  OMIIJCOT 2020

                  Online Malaysia Indonesia International Journal and

                  Conference On Technology (OMIIJCOT – st 2020)

                  1)  OBJECTIVE

                  Application  for  Approval  to  Implementing  the  Online  Malaysia  Indonesia
                  International Journal and Conference On Technology – st 2020

                      EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

                  Program                        Online Malaysia Indonesia International
                                                 Journal and Conference On Technology
                                                 (OMIIJCOT 2020)

                  Main Host/Co host              Politeknik Negeri Medan /  Universitas
                                                 Sumatera Utara Universitas Pancasila and
                                                 Politeknik Port Dickson

                  Location                       Cyber spaces

                  Date                           On August, 18 th – 19 th, 2020

                  Participant                    100 participants

                  Budget                         Participants Fee for OMIIJCOT
                                                 (RM 200 Indonesian ,  RM 250 – International
                                                 CERTIFICATE AND PROCEEDING WILL
                                                 BE GIVEN

                                                 Participants Fee for PAPER into JOJAPS.
                                                 (RM 300 – Indonesian , Malaysian and
                                                 International  participants)

                  3)  INTRODUCTION

                  Online Malaysia Indonesia International Journal and Conference On Technology (OMIIJCOT
                  –  1st  2020) is  the  platform  for  pandemic  management strategies to  be  developed  and
                  implemented,  appropriate  preparedness  and  effectiveness  in  research  writing  and
                  publication. Technology  needs  to  be  employed  to  assist  us  in  tackling  the  institution
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