Page 26 - JURNAL2020B
P. 26



       The purpose of this event is to ob-

       serve the reac on of the trainee                          There are few ques ons asked in

       while they were playing sport with                        the interview sessions regarding to
       random team and different races.                           this research just to iden fy their

       The Methodologies of our re-                              opinions on this topic. The trainees

       search in order to collect data are                       were randomly choose for the in-
       by interview. The interview will be                       terview but the priority goes to

       focusing on the par cipant to                             trainee with different races, ethnic

       their perspec ve how sports can                           an
                                                                 ad religions.
       retrieve trust and teamwork and
       also united people regardless

       races and religions.
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