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Safety, Hazard Identification Risk Control and Risk Assessment (HIRARC), Workplace Environment and Ergonomics
                    and guide the students gradually into this multi-disciplinary science.
                    Course Learning  1.  Explain  briefly  Occupational,  Safety  and  Health  (OSH)  procedures,  regulation  and  its
                    Outcome (CLO)    compliance in Malaysia.
                                   2.  Initiates incident hazards, risks and safe work practices in order to maintain health and safe
                                     work environment.
                                   3.  Demonstrate communication skill in group to explain the factor that can lead to accident in

                    ARCHITECTURAL GRAPHICS PRESENTATION provides knowledge for architectural presentation using suitable
                    methods and composition. It emphasizes the medium and basic tools in architecture drawing language, typography
                    and hand-drawn techniques.

                    Course Learning  1.  Display suitable techniques and graphic skills for architectural presentation manually
                    Outcome (CLO)   2.  Complete  a  set  of  written  communication  skill  in  architectural  presentation  drawings  to
                                      specific requirements
                                   3.  Initiate the management and organization of ideas through acquired graphics presentation

                    DCA 10022 ARCHITECTURE DRAFTING
                    ARCHITECTURAL  DRAFTING  course  provides  knowledge  and  drafting  skills  to  produce  2D  &  3D  architecture
                    drawings manually by using appropriate materials and tools. It emphasizes competency and value of communication
                    skills through architectural drawing composition and presentation.
                    Course Learning  1.  Construct architectural symbols and lettering by using appropriate techniques and drafting
                    Outcome (CLO)     tools
                                   2.  Form drafting competency and communication skills in architectural drawing.
                                   3.  Initiate ethics and professionalism during the practical work sessions in the architectural

                    DCA 10032  DESIGN STUDIO 1
                    Design Studio 1 introduces the use of design tools and design manner in a small-scale non-building architectural
                    project with the understanding of design elements, principles and organizations as well as providing a foundation in
                    two or three dimensional compositions. In addition, this course aims to equip the students with the ability to study
                    human  dimension,  anthropometry,  ergonomic,  proportion  and  circulation  elements  in  architecture  through
                    autonomous learning in the design process, This course is a core component in the Body of Knowledge (BoK) of
                    Architectural Studies.
                    Course Learning  1.  Interpret  fundamental  architectural  design  knowledge  with  understanding  of  elements,
                    Outcome (CLO)     principles and organization in architecture for a non-building project.
                                   2.  Construct basic design ideas by using design tools and design manner in appropriate scale
                                      and proportion for a non-building project.
                                   3.  Display digital skills in the information retrieval and management of human dimension and
                                      circulation in the design process

                    BUILDING CONSTRUCTION AND MATERIALS course offers basic knowledge of fundamental building construction.
                    The emphasis of the module is on programs that may expand a student’s skills in-term of building materials, building
                    systems and construction metho
                    Course Learning  1.  Apply various building materials which comply to Malaysian Standard (MS) for a specific
                    Outcome (CLO)     project.
                                   2.  Constructs method of construction and other architectural components for building systems.
                                   3.  Initiates  personal  skills  of  independent  learning,  intellectual  and  self  development  in
                                      conducting the case study.

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