Page 15 - RESPEX 2018-ProgramBook
P. 15

                                                                                 DAY 3  - 16  OCTOBER 2018
               8.30 am                Registration

               9.00 am                Competition Begins

               10.00 am               Competition Ends
               11.00 am               Arrival of guest, VIP and VVIP
                                      Visits to booth

                                      Welcoming remarks National Anthem ‘Negaraku’
                                      Recitation of Du’a

                                      Welcoming speech by Director of Politeknik Port Dickson
                                      Closing Ceremony Speech by Director General DPCCE
                                      (YBhg. Prof. Dato' Ts. Dr. Mohd Ismail Bin Abd Aziz)
                                      Awards giving ceremony
                                          •   Winners by category

                                          •   Excellence Award by nation: Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia
                                          •   RESPEX Prestigious Award

                                      Group photo session

                                      Social networking session
                                      End of Programme

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