Page 12 - photograph2
P. 12
Look for good light for a great image
When light is mainly coming from the top down,
and isn’t diffused well (such as from a “can light”),
you can get dark circles around the eyes from
shadows coming from the person’s eyebrows as
well as an overall dark face. Sometimes it’s hard to
avoid, but can often be fixed by just having the
subject take a couple of steps backwards to put the
light in more in front of them, or even have them
angle their faces up a little bit. If this is the only
light around, using the phone’s flash might be your
Directly under a ceiling fan light. The effects would be worse with
lighting that’s higher up or more directed, such as with a can light. only recourse.
Another thing to remember to avoid is your subject
being backlit. Unless you’re going for something
artsy like a silhouette, you should generally never
take a photo of people with their backs to the main
light source. This gets rid of so much of the detail in
the faces that it’s usually not even worth it to take
the photo! When in this situation, just have them
turn to face the light (put your back to the light!).
It’s that simple.
Moved back about 2 feet so that the light from the ceiling fan is
in front of the subject.