Page 292 - 작업중 파일
P. 292
Key to Exercises
29.3 UNIT 31 6 I don't thi nk you shou ld go to
3 日 e might get up early. work.
4 He isn't/He's not working 7 I thi nk he shou ld go to the
2 must meet 5 must go
tomorrow. doctor.
3 must wash 6 must win
5 日 e might be at home 8 I don't think we should stay
4 n1ust learn 7 must be
tomorrow morning. there.
6 日 e might watch TV. 31.2 32.5
7 He's going out in the 2 I must 5 I had to Example answers:
afternoon. 3 I had to 6 I had to 2 I think everybody should
8 日 e might go shopping. 4 I must 7 I must have enough food.
29.4 31.3 3 I thi nk people should drive
1—3 Example answers 2 do n't need to ru sh more carefu lly.
I might buy some new clothes. 3 mustn't lose 4 I don't think the police
I m ight go out with so me 4 do n't need to wait sho u l d carry gu ns.
friends. 5 mustn't forget 5 I think I should take more
I m ight have an egg for 6 do n't need to ph on e exercise.
breakfast. 31.4
2 C
3 A 33.1
30.1 31.5 45 2 have to do
2 Can you ski? 3 do n't need to BD 3 has to read
3 Can you play chess? 4 had to 4 have to speak
4 Can you run ten ki ometres? 5 must 5 has to travel
5 Can you drive (a car)? 6 mustn't 6 havetoh it
6 Can you ride (a horse)? 7 must 33.2
7 I can/can't swim. 8 had to 2 have to go
8 I can/can't ski. 9 do n't need to 3 had to buy
9 I can/can't play chess. 10 mustn't 4 have to c han ge
10 I can /can't run ten ki Iometres. 5 had to an swer
11 I can /can't d rive (a car). UNIT 32
12 I can /can't ri de (a h orse).
32.1 2 did he have to wait
30.2 2 Youshouldgo 3 does she have to go
2 can see 3 You should eat 4 did you have to pay
3 can't hear 4 you should visit 5 do you have to do
4 can't find 5 you should wear
5 can speak 6 You shou ld take
2 doesn't have to wai t.
30.3 32.2 3 didn't have to get up early.
2 cou ldn't eat 2 日 e shouldn't eat so much. 4 doesn't have to work (so) hard.
3 can't decide 3 She shou ldn't work so hard. 5 do n't have to leave now.
4 cou ldn't fi nd 4 日 e shou ldn't drive so fast.
5 can't go
32.3 3 have to pay
6 cou ldn't go
2 Do yo u th i n k I s ho u ld l ear n 4 had to borrow
30.4 (to drive)? 5 must stop or have to stop
2 Can/Could you pass the salt 3 Do you th in k I shou ld get (both are correct)
(please)? another job? 6 has to meet
3 Can/Could I have these 4 Do you th in k I shou ld invite 7 must tell or have to tel I
postcards (please)? Gary (to th e party)? (both are correct)
4 Can/Could you turn off the
32.4 33.6
radio (please)?
3 I t h i n k yo u s h o u l d s e ll i t. Example answers:
5 Can/Could I borrow your
4 I thi nk she should have a 2 I have to go to work every day.
newspaper (please)?
holiday. 3 I had to go to the dentist
6 Can/Could I use your pen
5 I don't thi nk they should get yesterday.
married. 4 I have to go shopping