Page 302 - 작업중 파일
P. 302
Key to Exercises
73.2 5 I've j ust had one 76.4
3 OK 6 there's one in Mill Road 2 something
4 the Phili ppines 3 anything
5 the south of France 2 a new one 4 anything
6 the Regal Cinema 3 a better o ne 5 Somebody/Someone
7 OK 4 an old one 6 anything
8 the Museum of Art 5 a big one 7 anybody/anyone
9 OK 6 a different one 8 something
10 Belgiu n1 is smal ler than the 9 anythi ng
Netherlands. 1 O anybodyIanyo ne
2 Which ones?
11 the Mississippi ... the Nile
The green on es. UNIT 77
12 the National Gallery
3 Which one?
13 the Park 日 otel in 日 udson 77.1
The one with a/the red door.
Road 2 There are no shops near here.
4 Which ones?
14 OK 3 Carla has no free ti me. / Carla
The ones on the top shelf
15 The Rocky Mountains are in has got no free time.
5 Which one?
North An1erica. 4 There's no l ght in this room.
The black one.
16 OK 6 There isn't any milk in the
6 Which one?
17 the U n i ted States fridge.
The one on the wall.
18 the west of I rel and 7 There aren't any buses today.
7 Which one?
19 OK 8 Tom doesn't have any
The tall one with long hai r.
20 The Panama Canal joins brothers or sisters. / Tom
8 Which ones?
the Atlantic Ocean and the has n't got an y broth ers or
The yellow ones.
Pacific Ocean. sisters.
9 Which one?
UNIT 74 The one with a/the 77.2
moustache and glasses. 2 any 8 no
10 Which ones? 3 any 9 any
2 that house
The ones I took at the party 4 no 10 no
3 th ese postcards
last week. 5 any 11 None
4 those birds 6 no 12 any
5 th is seat UNIT 76 7 any
6 These plates
76.1 77.3
74.2 2 some 8 some 2 no money
2 Is that yo ur um brel la? 3 any 9 some 3 any questions
3 Is this your book? 4 any 10 any ... any 4 no friends
4 Are those your books? 5 any 11 some ... any 5 no difference
5 Is that your bicycle/bi ke? 6 some 12 some 6 any furn iture
6 Are th ese you r keys? 7 any 7 no idea
7 Are those your keys?
76.2 8 any heating
8 Is th is your watch?
2 some questions 9 no queue
9 Are those your glasses?
3 any pictures 77.4
10 Are th ese you r gl oves?
4 any foreign languages Example answers:
74.3 5 some friends 2 Three. 4 None.
2 that's 6 th is is 6 some milk 3 Two cups. 5 None.
3 Th is is 7 That's 7 any batteries
4 That's 8 that's 8 some fresh air UNIT 78
5 that 9 some cheese
10 anyhelp 2 There's nobody in the office.
76.3 3 I have nothi ng to do. / I've
75.1 3 I have some / I've got some got nothing to do.
2 I don't need one 4 I don't have any / I haven't 4 There's nothing on TV.
3 I'm going to get one got any / I haven't any 5 There was no-one at home.
4 I do n't have o ne / I haven't 5 I didn't buy any 6 We found nothing.
got one 6 I bought some
7 I didn't dri nk any