Page 308 - 작업중 파일
P. 308
Key to Exercises
UNIT 99 6 you won 101.3
7 I wouldn't stay 2 who
8 we lived 3 which
2 If you pass the exam, yo u'll
9 It would be 4 which
get a certi fi cate.
10 the sal ary was/were 5 who
3 If you fai l t he exan1, yo u can
11 I wouldn't know 6 which
do it agai n.
12 wou ld you change 7 who
4 Ifyou don't want this
magazine, I'll throw it away. 100.3 8 who
5 If you want those pictures, 2 I'd watch it / I wou ld watch it 9 which
you can have them. 3 we had some pictures on the that is also correct in all these
6 If you're busy now, we can wall sentences.
ta lk later. 4 the air would be cleaner 101.4
7 If you're h u ngry, we can have 5 every day was/were the same 3 ... a machine that/which
makes co 任ee.
lunch now. 6 I'd be bored / I wou ld be 45
8 Ifyou need money, I can lend bored OK (which is also correct)
you some. we had a bigger house / we ... people who/that never
bought a bigger house stop talking.
99.2 8 6
we would/cou ld buy a bigger OK (who is also correct)
2 I give 7
house or OK (that is also correct)
3 is 8
we would/could have a ... the sentences that/which
4 I 'll call
bigger house are wrong.
5 I'll be ... get 9 ... a car that/which cost
6 Wi II you go ... they i nvite 100.4
Example answers: £40,000.
2 I'd go to Antarctica
Example answers: UNIT 102
3 I didn't have any friends
3 ... you 're busy.
4 I'd buy a house if I had 102.1
4 ... you'll feel better in the
enough money. 2 I've lost the pen you gave me.
morning .
56 5 I'd try and help 3 I l ike the jacket Sue is wearing.
. .. you're not watchi ng it.
6 there were no guns 4 Whe re are th e A owe rs I gave
... she doesn't study .
7 you?
. .. 1'1 1 go and see Chris . UNIT 101
89 5 I didn't bel ieve the story he
. . . the weather is good . told us.
101.1 6
. .. it ra i ns today. 日ow much were the oranges
2 A butcher is a person who
99.4 sells meat. you bought?
2 When 3
A musician is a person who 102.2
3 If plays a musical instrument. 2 The meal you cooked was
4 If 4
A patient is a person who is i ll excel lent.
5 if i n h o s p i ta l. 3 The shoes I'm wearing aren't
6 When 5
A dentist is a person who very comfortable.
7 if takes care of your teeth. 4 The people we invited to
8 when ... if 6
A fool is a perso n wh o does dinner didn't come.
stupid th ings.
UNIT 100 7 102.3
A genius is a person who is 2 Who are the people you were
100.1 very intelligent. tal king to?
3 wanted 8 A liar is a person who doesn't 3 Did you find the keys you
4 had te l I t h e t ru t h . were looking for?
5 were/was 4
101.2 Where is the party you're
6 didn't enjoy
2 The woman who opened the going to?
7 cou ld 5
door was wearing a yellow What's the name of the film
8 tried
dress. you were tal ki ng abou t?
9 didn't have 3
Most of the students who 6 What's that music you're
100.2 took the exam passed (it). listen ing to?
3 I'd go / I would go 4 The policeman who stopped 7 Did you get the job you
4 she knew our car wasn't very friendly. applied for?
5 we had