Page 12 - Kay Handyside - Fat to Flat Belly
P. 12

 On a contrasting note - do not OVER HYDRATE marathon runners have been know to ‘drown’ through over hydrating. Just be sensible
First thing you do when you wake up - is drink a big glass of water . You have just been fasting overnight - your body is completely dehydrated.
This then sets the precedent for the day
Always have water with you in a transportable bottle or a big glass on your desk
I always keep a pint glass in the fridge so its ready for me to grab easily
Chop up strawberries and basil, mint and cucumber, lime or lemon and put in the bottom of a large jug add water and let it infuse Adds a nice twist to the water.
Keep in the fridge and keep toping up with water
Eventually you will need to throw the contents away , wash the jug and start again
It is better to wait around an hour after working out to allow all your rubbish cells to get ditched by the body - if you have been fasting before hand then it is optimal for you to do this.
This clearance allows for crappy imposter cells- which multiply and can lead to cancerous cells - to be blasted.
The food you then eat will get vacuumed up by your muscles which require replenishment and nutrition to replace what was lost during exercise . In this repair is when they also use your protein.
If you are going to eat good quality Carbs - like fruits and berries, then this is the time to eat them as they are immediately taken into the muscle to replace the glycogen used in the workout.

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