Page 13 - Kay Handyside - Fat to Flat Belly
P. 13

To Start the programme off is an assessment which is repeated at the beginning of each month and then finally at the end- record your scores, reps, time and heart rate - all of this is going to improve . How can you know where you if you do not have a record of your start ? How can you know if you have improved if you do not record at regular intervals ?
Do not worry if you cannot complete certain exercise this will come in time
This is a weekly workout that you repeat . Make sure you time yourself and record it along with your heart rate . This is a great ball park figure to watch as your time improves
MAKE SURE you keep all the factors the same - the height of a step, the weight ( if used at all )
Really push yourself here - you want to beat your last time every week
Remember that most of these workouts are fat burning which means the heart rate is lower. On this workout you should really feel your heart - it should be above your Maffetone fat burning
rate .
AFTER THIS WORKOUT YOU WILL FEEL TIRED - that’s normal Fuel your body like and adult - do NOT eat rubbish .

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